[TYPES/announce] 2nd CFP: ISR 2007

Laurent Vigneron Laurent.Vigneron at loria.fr
Thu May 24 02:43:47 EDT 2007

[ Apologies for multiple copies ]

                    Second Call for Participation

                  International School on Rewriting

                       ISR'2007, July 2-6, 2007
                            Nancy, France

Early registration deadline: May 31, 2007.


Rewriting is a fundamental concept and tool in computer science, logic
and mathematics.  It models the notion of transition or elementary
transformation of abstract entities as well as common data structures
like terms, strings, graphs.  Rewriting is central in computation as
well as deduction and is a crucial concept in semantics of programming
languages as well as in proof theory.  This results from a long
tradition of cross-fertilization with the lambda-calculus and
automated reasoning research communities.

This second International School on Rewriting is organized for Master
and PhD students, researchers and practitioners interested in the
study of rewriting concepts and applications.

This school is supported by the IFIP Working Group on Term
Rewriting.  The lectures will be given by some of the best experts on
rewriting (termination, higher-order systems, strategies, ...) and
applications (security, theorem proving, program analysis and proofs,

ISR'2007 will hold in Nancy, just after the RDP Conference in Paris:
This will be a good opportunity to take the new TGV Est Europeen,
reaching Nancy from Paris in 90 minutes!

NEW: some grants are available; please see on the web site for more


Hassan Ait Kaci, ILOG Vancouver, Canada
Franz Baader, Dresden University, Germany
Dan Dougherty, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Gilles Dowek, Ecole Polytechnique & INRIA, France
Thomas Genet, Universite de Rennes I & IRISA, France
Juergen Giesl, Aachen University, Germany
Denis Lugiez, Universite de Provence, France
Christopher Lynch, Clarkson University, USA
Pierre-Etienne Moreau, INRIA & LORIA, France
Vincent van Oostrom, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Detlef Plump, University of York, UK
Femke van Raamsdonk, CWI and Free University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Michael Rusinowitch, INRIA & LORIA, France
Christian Urban, TU Munich, Germany


- Introduction to term rewriting
- Termination of term rewriting and applications
- Higher order rewrite systems
- Call by need, call by value
- Compilation and implementations
- Applications: Rule based security, Rule based languages, Theorem
  proving, Program analysis and proofs
- Advanced topics: Graph rewriting, Tree automaton, Deduction modulo,
  Normalisation proofs, Nominal techniques

Scientific Committee

- Juergen Giesl (Aachen)
- Claude Kirchner (Nancy), chair
- Pierre Lescanne (Lyon)
- Christopher Lynch (Potsdam)
- Aart Middeldorp (Innsbruck)
- Femke van Raamsdonk (Amsterdam)
- Yoshihito Toyama (Sendai)
- Laurent Vigneron (Nancy), local organization chair

Further Information

For up-to-date details on the school organization, visit the official
web page:

or contact the organizers by e-mail: isr2007(at)loria(dot)fr

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