[TYPES/announce] Postdoctoral Opportunity at the University of Minnesota

Gopalan Nadathur gopalan at cs.umn.edu
Thu Jul 30 23:04:16 EDT 2009

Applications are invited for a one-year postdoctoral position at the
University of Minnesota. The appointment is expected to start in Fall
2009 and will be in the areas of computational logic and programming
languages. The selected candidate will be expected to conduct research
on some of the following topics:

 * the design of logics for specifying computational systems and
   for reasoning about such specifications,

 * the implementation of systems embodying such logics, and

 * the use of the implemented systems in constructing actual
   specifications and reasoning about them.

A deep understanding of proof theoretic treatments of aspects such as
induction and co-induction and of issues related to proof search in
sequent calculi and related logical systems is needed for
participating in such research at the appropriate level. Familiarity
with proof assistants and logical frameworks such as Coq and Twelf
will also be beneficial.

To apply for this position, go to the U of M Employment System at
https://employment.umn.edu/ and search postings with req#: 162068. The
online application process will require you to submit a current CV,
the names and contact information of three references and a research
statement of approximately two pages that describes past research and
future plans in a way that addresses appropriateness for the position
advertised. A prerequisite for employment is a doctoral degree in
Computer Science or closely related field. Review of applications will
begin by August 1, 2009 and continue until the position is filled.

Questions about the position may be directed to Gopalan Nadathur at
gopalan at cs.umn.edu.

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