[TYPES/announce] PHD position in PL at Purdue

Jan Vitek jv at cs.purdue.edu
Tue Oct 22 07:34:28 EDT 2013

*  PhD Fellowships in Programming Languages at Purdue University          *

We are recruiting PhD students for Fellowships in the Computer Science Department
at Purdue University, for research in any of the following areas:

* Language abstractions for data analytics (R, Matlab and Map/Reduce)
* Distributed virtual machines for "big data"
* Secure data-intensive computing
* Verification of distributed and concurrent managed languages
* verified concurrent run-time systems for mobile devices
* Uncertain data processing facilitated by program analysis.
* Garbage collection on FPGAs
* Language-based memory models

The ideal candidate will have a background in several of: programming languages, 
compilers, program analysis, type systems, mechanized theorem proving. 
Systems programming and distributed systems are also a good match.

The application deadline for full consideration is December 1; all
applications by this date will be considered for full funding.
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact one of:

Patrick Eugster, p at cs.purdue.edu
Tony Hosking, hosking at cs.purdue.edu
Suresh Jagannathan, suresh at cs.purdue.edu
Gustavo Petri, gpetri at cs.purdue.edu
Xiangyu Zhang, xyzhang at cs.purdue.edu
Jan Vitek, jv at cs.purdue.edu

These competitive Fellowships are for the recruitment of outstanding 
Ph.D.-track students to graduate programs at Purdue University. 
Each fellowship provides a four-year award package to the fellow, 
which includes two years of stipend support from the Graduate School 
and two additional years of funding support from the graduate program. 
The Fellowship also provides tuition coverage and a medical insurance 

We also have a number of postdoctoral positions open on these topics.

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