[TYPES] FW: TIME 2004 last call for papers

Stephanie Weirich sweirich at cis.upenn.edu
Thu Jan 29 09:09:33 EST 2004


-----Original Message-----
From: Carlo Combi [mailto:carlo.combi at univr.it] 
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 5:37 AM
To: types
Subject: TIME 2004 last call for papers

Prolog: papers are solicited from different research areas, dealing with
  time-related issues. Several topics could be of interest for the TYPES
community. Among them, I mention here: temporal logics for dynamic data
types; types for temporal data; type evolution; programming languages for
temporal representation and reasoning.

The 11th International Symposium on

  (TIME 2004)


Tatihou, Basse Normandie, France
1-3 July, 2004

The purpose of this symposium is to bring together active researchers from
distinct research areas involving the representation of, or reasoning with,
time. As with previous meetings in this respected series, one of the main
goals of the  TIME symposium will be to bridge the gap between theoretical
and applied research in temporal representation and reasoning. Thus, we
especially encourage submissions concerning temporal aspects within areas
such as Artificial Intelligence, Temporal/Spatial Databases and Applications
of Temporal Logic in Computer Science in order to achieve a
multi-disciplinary perspective on the topic and to benefit from
cross-fertilisation of ideas.

There are three tracks in the symposium with separate program committees,
all overseen by the program chairs. The conference is planned as a three-day
event, and will be organised as a combination of technical paper
presentations, an extended poster session, and four keynote talks.


Invited Speakers:
Michael Bohlen, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Manolis Koubarakis,
University of Crete, Greece Ian Pratt-Hartmann, University  of Manchester,
UK Thierry Vidal, ENI Tarbes France


Submission of high quality papers describing mature results or on-going work
are welcome. Submitted papers should describe original, previously
unpublished, research, should be written in English, and should not be
simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Topics of interest
within the scope of each track include, but are not restricted to:

Track1: Temporal Representation and Reasoning in AI
- temporal aspects of agent-based systems
- temporal constraint reasoning
- reasoning about actions and change
- temporal languages for planning
- temporal languages and architectures
- ontologies of time
- expressive power versus tractability
- belief and uncertainty in temporal knowledge
- temporal learning and discovery
- time and nonmonotonicity
- time in problem solving (e.g. diagnosis, scheduling,...)
- time in human-machine interaction
- spatio-temporal reasoning

Track 2: Time Management in Databases
- temporal data models
- temporal database design
- temporal query languages
- indexing of temporal data
- temporal database systems
- spatio-temporal databases
- constraint databases
- temporal data mining
- time in multimedia databases
- time in web applications
- time in federated and heterogeneous systems
- time in workflow systems
- querying time series databases
- querying data streams

Track 3: Temporal Logic in Computer Science
- specification and verification
- synthesis and execution
- model checking algorithms
- temporal architectures
- temporal logics for distributed systems
- temporal logics of knowledge
- hybrid systems
- tools and practical systems


  Submissions must not exceed the length of 11 pages; font size must be 11pt
or larger. The submission should describe original, previously unpublished

It is strongly suggested the use of the LaTeX article style at 11pt. 
Overlength submissions will be rejected without review. Please, indicate the
track and topic(s) on the first page. Accepted papers will be invited for
full presentation or a poster presentation. Papers should be electronically
submitted via the form available at the TIME 2004 web site
All submissions must be received by Thursday 5 February, 2004.


As usual within the TIME series, proceedings will be published by IEEE
Computer Society Press and will be subject to IEEE Copyright. Camera ready
papers are expected to be produced with the author kits sent by IEEE
Computer Society Press. It is also our intention to organise a special issue
of a respected journal, containing extended versions of selected papers from
the symposium.


-Track 1: Temporal Representation and Reasoning in AI

        Peter van Beek, University of Waterloo, Canada
        Maroua Bouzid, University of Caen, France
        Jean-François Condotta, University of Artois, France
        Alfonso Gerevini, Universita' di Brescia, Italy
        Scott Goodwin, University of Windsor, Canada
        Howard Hamilton, University of Regina, Canada
        Peter Jonsson, Linköping University, Sweden
        Lina Khatib, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
        Carsten Lutz, Technical University Dresden, Germany
        Roque Marin, University of Murcia, Spain
        Debasis Mitra, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
        Angelo Montanari, University of Udine, Italy
        Bernhard Nebel, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, Germany
        Ian Pratt-Hartmann, University of Manchester, UK
        Mark Steedman, University of Edinburgh, UK
        Paolo Terenziani, Universita' del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
        Andre Trudel, Acadia University, Canada
        Thierry Vidal, ENIT, France

-Track 2: Time Management in Databases

        Alessandro Artale, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
        Elisa Bertino, Universita' di Milano, Italy
        Claudio Bettini, Universita' di Milano, Italy
        Johann Eder, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
        Enrico Franconi, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
        Christian Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark
        Manolis Koubarakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
        Bart Kuijpers, University of Limburg, Belgium
        Maria Orlowska, University of Queensland, Australia
        Peter Revesz, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
        David Toman, University of Waterloo, Canada
        Xiaoyang Sean Wang, University of Vermont, Burlington, USA
        Jef Wijsen, Universite' de Mons-Hainaut, Belgium
        Carlo Zaniolo, UCLA, USA

-Track 3: Temporal Logic in Computer Science

        Howard Barringer, Univ. of Manchester, UK
        Dennis Dams, Bell Labs, USA
        Clare Dixon,  The University of Liverpool, UK
        Michael Fisher, The University of Liverpool, UK
        Ullrich Hustadt, The University of Liverpool, UK
        Yonit Kesten, Ben Gurion University, Israel
        Alberto Policriti, Universita' di Udine, Italy
        Hans Juergen Ohlbach, Institut für Informatik, Munich, Germany
        Mehmet Orgun,  Macquarie University, Australia
        Alexander Rabinovich, Tel Aviv University, Israel
        Bernd-Holger Schlingloff, University of Bremen, Germany
        Philippe Schnoebelen, CNRS, Framce
        A. Prasad Sistla, The University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
        Colin Stirling, Edinburgh University, UK
        Pierre Wolper, Universite de Liege, Belgium


General Chair:
	Michael Fisher, The University of Liverpool, UK

Program Committee Chairs:
                      Carlo Combi,   University of Verona, Italy
                      Gérard Ligozat, University of  Paris-Sud, France


Organisation Chair:
	Maroua Bouzid, University of Caen, France


  Paper Submission Deadline:     5 February, 2004
  Notification of Acceptance:    29 March, 2004
  Camera Ready Copy Due:         16 April, 2004
  TIME 2004 Symposium:          1-3 July, 2004

FURTHER INFORMATION:  http://www.greyc.unicaen.fr/time2004
Carlo Combi, Ph.D.
Dipartimento di Informatica
Universita' degli Studi di Verona
Ca' Vignal 2
strada le Grazie 15
I-37134 Verona - VR - Italy
phone: ++39 045 802 7985
mobile: ++39 328 8606227
fax: ++39 045 802 7068
email: combi at sci.univr.it

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