[Icfp04-discuss] some questions about you

Bart van der Werf (Bluelive) werfb at cs.utwente.nl
Sat Jun 5 22:44:55 EDT 2004

> | Where does everybody come from?
Enschede, NL
> | How old are you?
23. And years away from finishing

> | Why do you compete?
Because the Challenge last year seemed very fun but didnt compete then,
ive been waiting for the new one since

> | Do you have a homepage?
Its the page of my language, but im not using it, its just not stable
enough :)

> | What team name do you have?

> | Lightning Division?
Got the similator working without any problems and gui 8 houres into the
Then we wasted alot of time on attempting to write a compiler for the
ants, but it was too buggy.
Now we use a stripped down version that only does labels instead of
But we were too late for the lighting round by then.

> | Main Contest?
We hope so.

> | Feel Lucky - Will you be the winner?
Probably not, no real earth shattering sollutions yet

> | Staying Awake during nights?
Last night was late, but decided today to just not hurry.

> | Maximum 1 pot of coffee per hour :-)-
Cola, but so bad for the teeth :(

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