[Icfp04-discuss] some questions about you

Davis W. Hart hartdavi at grinnell.edu
Sun Jun 6 15:57:10 EDT 2004

| Where does everybody come from?
  Bombay, India
  Lagos, Nigeria
  Boulder, Colorado (not a country)

| How old are you?

| Why do you compete?
  India - "For the greater glory of PLT Scheme"
  Nigeria - "Nothing better to do on the weekend"
  Colorado - "The guy from India made it sound like a good idea. "

| Do you have a homepage?

| What team name do you have?
  (define ants-in-your-pants
    (lambda ....

| Lightning Division?
  We (some of us) like sleep too much

| Main Contest?
  Nothing else to do, now is there?

| Feel Lucky - Will you be the winner?
  India felt lucky last week, not so much now

| Staying Awake during nights?
  No way, sleep rules.

| Weapons?
  PLT Scheme
  AntScript (tm)

Good luck, everyone

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