[Icfp04-discuss] Visualisation3

Olaf Doschke olaf_doschke at yahoo.de
Mon Jun 7 08:58:30 EDT 2004


> I like it?
> How did you made it? SoftImage? Studio Max?
MegaPov, that's a patch of the free povray.

and for the ants, the credit mainly goes to
Micha Riser. I just composed two ants with
the hexagon floor and the candy cones heart...

Look here:

search for ant

to trace an ant, you need 
Sense Ahead Marker 0...
no, just kidding...;-)

You need MegaPov 0.5 or higher, which
can be found here:
But that patch is only for Povray 3.1g!
search for a Povray3.1g download with

Povray 3.5 is much better now, it could
also do a better shadow of the red ant
with photon mapping, causing caustics...

But the script doesn't work with Povray 3.5,
cause MegaPov has some special shapes and
math Povray hasn't. It's a pitty...

Bye, Olaf.

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