[Icfp04-discuss] Can someone beat this.....

Olivier Pérès olivier.peres at laposte.net
Tue Jun 8 00:30:04 EDT 2004

Jin Soo Hwang wrote:
> I have a total of collected foods of 0. :-l

    In the end I did not send anything else than my lightning entry, and 
its score is close to yours when playing against a decent ant. I am 
confident it does not crash, though ;-).

> Next year I will search a team  [...]
> But I had fun.

    So did I. In fact I made a simulator and an assembler, and then 
kinda lost interest. AI is not my cup of Max Havelaar fair trade coffee. 
If only some people I know, whose tastes are, well, close to the 
opposite, had joined me...

> congratulations to the winner, whomever it will be.

    Vae victis, as usual.


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