[Icfp04-discuss] multiple ants in one game

Clive Gifford clive at xtra.co.nz
Fri Jun 11 14:15:54 EDT 2004

> From: "Eijiro Sumii" <sumii at saul.cis.upenn.edu>
> For another source of fun...
> Has anybody implemented an extended simulator which can run _more
> than_ 2 ant species in a single game?  It would be fun to watch!
> (Excuse me if I've already missed one.)

What happens at the end of judging you end up with a non-transitive
relationship between a number of top (final) contenders? For example, ant A
beats ant B, ant B beats ant C, and ant C beats ant A (lets assume by
similar margins in each case, and that they all clearly trounce all others
in a one-on-one contest). In that case you might *need* to have a simulator
that does this so you can run a tie-breaker!


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