[Icfp04-discuss] multiple ants in one game

Clive Gifford clive at xtra.co.nz
Fri Jun 11 14:32:06 EDT 2004

> From: "Eijiro Sumii" <sumii at saul.cis.upenn.edu>
> For another source of fun...
> Has anybody implemented an extended simulator which can run _more
> than_ 2 ant species in a single game?  It would be fun to watch!
> (Excuse me if I've already missed one.)

Actually, it would be pretty easy to add to my simulator as it doesn't have
any fancy optimisations, etc. But what would the modified martial arts rule
be? Does an ant die when surrounded by 5+ ants of any foe, or must they all
be from the same foe?


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