[POPLmark] Comparison of certified code transformations for functional languages?

Xavier Leroy Xavier.Leroy at inria.fr
Fri May 4 11:06:46 EDT 2007

> I'm looking for examples of compiler-like code transformations on
> statically-typed functional programming languages, with mechanized type
> preservation and semantics preservation proofs.  [...]
> The closest thing I've found outside my own work is this:
> 	http://twelf.plparty.org/wiki/CPS_conversion
> ...which is a CPS transform for simply-typed lambda calculus,
> implemented in Twelf with a proof of type preservation but no dynamic
> semantics or proof of semantics preservation.

Here are two other examples of mechanized proofs of semantics preservation
for CPS translations:

[1] "Verifying CPS Transformations in Isabelle/HOL"
    Yasuhiko Minamide Koji Okuma

[2] "Mechanically verifying correctness of CPS compilation"
    Ye Henry Tian 	

There are several flavors of CPS translation, depending on whether
administrative redexes are eliminated on the fly or not.  While the
naive CPS translation can be proved correct using a nominal approach
without alpha-conversion (as in the first part of [1]), the more
optimized translations need proper handling of binders.  [1] uses
names and definitions modulo explicit alpha-conversion, while [2] uses

Other transformations relevant to the compilation of functional
languages include:

- Closure conversion.  Proving semantics preservation in an untyped
  setting is not really hard, but in a typed setting you need
  existential types in the target language.

- Uncurrying, i.e. transforming curried functions to N-ary functions.
  For those who can read French, my PhD student Zaynah Dargaye
  wrote a short paper on her Coq proof of correctness for an
  uncurrying transformation similar to that used in the OCaml native

Best wishes,

- Xavier

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