[TYPES/announce] ICALP 2006 -- Call For Papers
Michele Bugliesi
michele at dsi.unive.it
Sun Jan 22 15:27:14 EST 2006
*** Apologies for multiple copies ***
33rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: February 10, 2006
Conference July 9-16, 2006, Venice, Italy
The 33rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and
Programming, the main conference and annual meeting of the European
Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS will take place
from the 9th to the 16th of July 2006 in Venice, Italy.
Following the successful experience of the 32nd edition in Lisbon,
ICALP'06 will complement the established structure of the scientific
program based on Tracks on Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and Games
(A), and on Logic, Semantics, and Theory of Programming (B),
corresponding to the two main streams of the journal Theoretical
Computer Science, with a special Track (C). The aim of Track C is to
allow a deeper coverage of a particular topic, to be specifically
selected for each year's edition of ICALP on the basis of its
timeliness and relevance for the theoretical computer science
Papers presenting original research on all aspects of theoretical
computer science are sought. Typical but not exclusive topics of
interest are:
Track A (Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and Games):
Ingo Wegener, University of Dortmund, Germany (PC Chair)
* Algorithmic Aspects of Networks
* Algorithmic Game Theory
* Analysis of Heuristics
* Automata Theory
* Combinatorics in Computer Science
* Computational Biology
* Computational Complexity
* Computational Geometry
* Data Structures
* Design and Analysis of Algorithms
* Internet Algorithmics
* Machine Learning
* Parallel and Distributed Computing
* Quantum Computing
Track B (Logic, Semantics, and Theory of Programming):
Vladimiro Sassone, University of Southampton, UK (PC Chair)
* Algebraic and Categorical Models
* Automata and Formal Languages
* Emerging and Non-standard Models of Computation
* Databases, Semi-Structured Data and Finite Model Theory
* Principles of Programming Languages
* Logics, Formal Methods and Model Checking
* Models of Concurrent, Distributed, and Mobile Systems
* Models of Reactive, Hybrid and Stochastic Systems
* Program Analysis and Transformation
* Specification, Refinement and Verification
* Type Systems and Theory, Typed Calculi
Track C (Security and Cryptography Foundations):
Bart Preneel Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (PC Chair)
* Cryptographic Notions, Mechanisms, Systems and Protocols
* Cryptographic Proof Techniques, Lower bounds, Impossibilities
* Foundations of Secure Systems and Architectures
* Logic and Semantics of Security Protocols
* Number Theory and Algebraic Algorithms (Primarily in Cryptography)
* Pseudorandomness, Randomness, and Complexity Issues
* Secure Data Structures, Storage, Databases and Content
* Security Modeling: Combinatorics, Graphs, Games, Economics
* Specifications, Verifications and Secure Programming
* Theory of Privacy and Anonymity
* Theory of Security in Networks and Distributed Computing
* Quantum Cryptography and Information Theory
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of no more than 12
pages in LNCS style presenting original research on the theory of
Computer Science. Submissions should indicate to which track (A, B, or
C) the paper is submitted. No simultaneous submission to other
publication outlets (either a conference or a journal) is allowed. The
proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Series by Springer-Verlag.
It is recommended that submissions adhere to the specified format and
length. Submissions that are clearly too long may be rejected
immediately. Additional material intended for the referee but not for
publication in the final version - for example details of proofs - may
be placed in a clearly marked appendix that is not included in the
page limit.
To submit, please login at http://www.easychair.org/ICALP2006/ and
follow the instructions.
* Submissions: February 10, 2006
* Notification: April 9, 2006
* Final version due: April 30, 2006
* Cynthia Dwork (Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley, USA)
* Alon Noga (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
* Prakash Panangaden (McGill University, Canana)
* Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK)
Track A
* Harry Buhrman (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
* Mark de Berg (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
* Uriel Feige (Weizmann Institute, Isreal)
* Anna Gal (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
* Johan Hastad (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
* Edith Hemaspaandra (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
* Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto University, Japan)
* Mark Jerrum (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Stefano Leonardi (UniversitSpeakers di Roma, Italy)
* Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide (Univrsitat Paderborn, Germany)
* Ian Munro (University of Waterloo, Canada)
* Sotiris Nikoletseas (Patras University, Greece)
* Rasmus Pagh (IT Univerisy of Copenhagen, Denmark)
* Tim Roughgarden (Stanford University, USA)
* Jacques Sakarovitch (CRNS Paris, France)
* Jiri Sgall (Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic)
* Hans Ulrich Simon (Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany)
* Alistair Sinclair (University of Berkeley, USA)
* Angelika Steger (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
* Denis Therien ((McGill University, Canada)
* Ingo Wegener (Universitat, Germany - PC Chair)
* Emo Welzl (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Track B
* Roberto Amadio (Universite Paris 7, France)
* Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
* Roberto Bruni (Universita di Pisa, Italy)
* Mariangiola Dezani (Universita di Torino, Italy)
* Volker Diekert (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
* Abbas Edalat (Imperial College, UK)
* Jan Friso Groote Eindhoven University of Technology, The Nederlands
* Tom Henzinger (EPFL, Switzerland)
* Madhavan Mukund (Chennai Mathematical Institute, INDIA)
* Jean-Eric Pin (L.I.A.F.A, France)
* Julian Rathke (University of Sussex, UK)
* Jakob Rehof (Microsoft Research, Redmont, USA)
* Vladimiro Sassone (Univerisity of Southampton, UK - PC chair)
* Don Sannella (Univeriity of Edinburgh, UK)
* Nicole Schweikardt (Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Germany)
* Helmut Seidl (Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany)
* Peter Selinger (Dalhousie University, Canada)
* Jerzy Tiuryn (Warsaw University, Poland)
* Victor Vianu (U. C. San Diego, USA)
* David Walker (Princeton University, USA)
* Igor Walukiewicz (Labri, Universite Bordeaux, France)
Track C
* Martin Abadi (University of California at Santa Cruz, USA)
* Christian Cachin (IBM Research, Switzerland)
* Ronald Cramer (CWI and Leiden University, The Netherlands)
* Ivan Damgard (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
* Giovanni Di Crescenzo (Telcordia, USA)
* Marc Fischlin (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
* Dieter Gollmann (University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany)
* Andrew D. Gordon (Microsoft Research, UK)
* Aggelos Kiayias (University of Connecticut, USA)
* Joe Kilian (Rutgers University, USA)
* Cathy Meadows (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)
* John Mitchell (Stanford University, USA)
* Mats Naslund (Ericsson, Sweden)
* Tatsuaki Okamoto (Kyoto University, Japan)
* Rafael Ostrovksy (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)
* Pascal Paillier (Gemplus, France)
* Giuseppe Persiano (University of Salerno, Italy)
* Benny Pinkas (HP Labs, Israel)
* Bart Preneel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium - PC Chair)
* Vitaly Shmatikov (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
* Victor Shoup (New York University, USA)
* Jessica Staddon (PARC, USA)
* Frederik Vercauteren (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
For further information see: http://icalp06.dsi.unive.it/
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