[TYPES/announce] MLKit 4.3.0 Release

Martin Elsman mael at itu.dk
Tue Jan 31 07:26:31 EST 2006

Dear all,

We are happy to announce the release of MLKit 4.3.0, a compiler for
the programming language Standard ML. The MLKit provides the following

 * All of SML'97: The MLKit covers all of Standard ML, as defined in
   the 1997 edition of the Definition of Standard ML. The MLKit
   implements most of the latest Standard ML Basis Library

 * ML Basis Files: The support for ML Basis Files makes it easy to
   compile large programs with different Standard ML
   compilers. Currently, both MLton and the MLKit supports the concept
   of ML Basis Files. The MLKit has a system, based on MLB-files, for
   avoiding unnecessary recompilation upon changes of source code.

 * Region-Based Memory Management: The MLKit integrates
   reference-tracing garbage collection with region-based memory
   management. Memory allocation directives (both allocation and
   deallocation) are inferred by the compiler, which uses a number of
   program analyses concerning lifetimes and storage layout.

 * Native backend for the x86 architecture.

 * Documentation. An updated comprehensive guide on programming with
   the MLKit is available from the MLKit wiki home page:


The MLKit is available for download for the Linux operating system
from the download section of the home page. Both binary and source
packages are available. Contributions in terms of packages for various
Linux distributions are welcome.

Best Regards,

Carsten Varming and Martin Elsman
On behalf of the MLKit Team

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