[TYPES/announce] CFP SecReT 2006 at ICALP (Venice, 15 July)

Maribel Fernandez maribel at dcs.kcl.ac.uk
Tue Feb 21 12:51:57 EST 2006

                         Call for Papers

                           SecReT 2006
           International Workshop on Security and Rewriting Techniques

                           15th July, 2006
                    S. Servolo, Venice - Italy

                  A satellite event of ICALP 2006

With the increasing use of digital communication, network-based
applications and mobile code, software, system and data security are
key issues affecting everybody, from individuals to industry and
governments.  Formal frameworks are of fundamental interest to model,
analyse and prove properties of security policies. Many such
frameworks have been used for these purposes, for example, logics,
flow-analysis techniques, and semi-automated theorem provers.

Rewriting techniques have been successfully applied to many domains in
the last 20 years. They have had deep influence in the development of
computational models, programming and specification languages, theorem
provers and proof assistants.  Recently, rewriting techniques have
also been fruitfully used to develop powerful results on security. For
example, for performing validations on policy specifications, analysis
of cryptographic protocols, and to specify security policies
controlling information leakage, to mention just a few. The theory of
rewriting can provide a formal basis for the study of a broad range of
security issues, ranging from the specification, implementation, and
validation of access control policies, to the analysis of logs and the
development of tools for intrusion detection.

In this context, the aim of this workshop is to bring together
researchers who are currently working in the area of rewriting and
security experts, in order to foster their interaction and develop
future collaborations in this area, to provide a forum for presenting
new ideas and work in progress, and to enable newcomers to learn about
current activities in this area.


The workshop focuses on the use of rewriting techniques in all aspects
of security. Specific topics include: authentication, encryption,
access control and authorisation, protocol verification, specification
of policies, intrusion detection, integrity of information, control of
information leakage, control of distributed and mobile code, etc.


Authors are invited to submit an abstract (max. 5 pages) in
PDF/PostScript format by e-mail to secret2006 at loria.fr  by
30 April 2006.

Preliminary proceedings will be available at the workshop.  After the
workshop authors will be invited to submit a full paper of their
presentation. We plan to publish the accepted contributions in ENTCS.


    * Submissions: April 30, 2006
    * Notification: May 21, 2006
    * Final version due: June 11, 2006


    * Michael Rusinowitch  (INRIA, France)


    * Steve Barker, King's College London (UK)
    * Gilles Barthe, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France)
    * Iliano Cervesato, Tulane University (USA)
    * Horatiu Cirstea, LORIA (France)
    * Hubert Comon, LSV (France)
    * Mariangiola Dezani, University of Torino (Italy)
    * Rachid Echahed, VERIMAG (France)
    * Maribel Fernandez, King's College London (UK) - PC Co-Chair
    * Therese Hardin, University of Paris 6 (France)
    * Claude Kirchner, LORIA (France) - PC Co-Chair
    * Luca Vigano, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
    * Nobuko Yoshida, Imperial College London (UK)


   Horatiu Cirstea, University Nancy II & LORIA, Horatiu.Cirstea at loria.fr
   Maribel Fernandez, King's College London, Maribel.Fernandez at kcl.ac.uk
   Claude Kirchner, INRIA & LORIA, Claude.Kirchner at loria.fr

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