[TYPES/announce] Fundamenta Informaticae: special issue on the Logic for Pragmatics
Tristan Crolard
crolard at univ-paris12.fr
Thu Feb 23 08:58:44 EST 2006
This special issue aims to explore ideas in different areas, from
logic, category theory, linguistics to artificial intelligence,
somehow related to the "logic for pragmatics".
Topics of interest for contributions to the journal issue in-
clude, but are not limited to:
* Proof-theory of bi-intuitionistic logic
* Classical logic and realizability interpretations.
* Causal reasoning and explanations
* Modal logics and category theory
* Proof nets, CPS calculi and concurrency
* Computational linguistics
* Applications of any of the previous topics to
artificial intelligence.
The project "Logics for Pragmatics", as presented in the work-
shops WoLP03, Verona (Italy) and WoLP04, Paris (France), tries to
characterize the logical properties of the illocutionary acts of
asserting, conjecturing, commanding etc., using the methods of
logic (proof theory and model theory) and of category theory. In
this perspective, intuitionistic, deontic and causal reasoning
are best formalized as intensional logics and their modal trans-
lations into classical system with Kripke's semantics are regard-
ed as "reflections" of illocutionary acts into the underlying
"propositional content".
To theoretical computer science and computational logic this view
has so far offered clear motivations for the study of polarized
("assertive versus conjectural") systems, of the logic of "causal
explanation" and of the interplay between linear Horn logic and
the intuitionistic consequence relation. Computational interpre-
tations of classical logic are also to be investigated in this
Applications are sought in different fields, from Artificial In-
telligence (non-monotonic reasoning) and linguistics to the for-
malization of normative systems; we are aware of the import of
this research for the philosophy of language and of mathematics.
On the workshops WoLP, see the web pages
Submissions must be original work, which has not been previously
published in a journal and is not being considered for publica-
tion elsewhere. If related material has appeared in a refereed
conference proceedings, the text submitted to FI should be sub-
stantially more complete or otherwise different.
We recommend that the manuscript fits in 20-30 pages.
A title page must include: full title, authors' full names and
affiliations, and the address to which correspondence and proofs
should be sent. Where possible, e-mail address and telephone num-
ber should be included. This should be followed by an abstract of
approximately 300 words and five key words for indexing.
All source files of the final versions of the accepted papers
must respect the format of FI (the latex style together with a
bibliography style file and authors guide are available from the
web-site of Fundamenta Informaticae http://fi.mimuw.edu.pl).
Please send a .ps or .pdf file to crolard at univ-paris12.fr or post
a hard copy to
Tristan Crolard
Departement d'informatique
Faculte' des Sciences et Technologie
Universite' Paris XII-Val de Marne
61, avenue du General de Gaulle
94010 Creteil Cedex
by the due date.
Submission : March 31, 2006
Notification : August 15, 2006
Final version : October 15, 2006
Andrzej Skowron (Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw University)
Gianluigi Bellin
Queen Mary University of London
and Universita` di Verona
G.Bellin at dpmms.cam.ac.uk
Stefano Berardi
Computer Science Dept.
Turin University
berardi at di.unito.it
Tristan Crolard
Computer Science Dept.
University of Paris 12
crolard at univ-paris12.fr
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