[TYPES/announce] Concurrency Summer School (Registration Deadline Extended)

Dan Grossman djg at cs.washington.edu
Thu Mar 16 00:47:08 EST 2006

[ We have extended the registration deadline by two weeks. Please
register today. ]

			Call for Participation

		  Summer School on Language-Based Techniques
                     for Concurrent and Distributed Software

			   July 12-21, 2006
			 University of Oregon
			  Eugene, Oregon USA

        Registration Deadline: March 15 (NOW EXTENDED: March 31), 2006.

	    e-mail: summerschool at cs.uoregon.edu

This Summer School will cover current research in language-based
techniques for concurrent and distributed software, ranging from
foundational materials on principles, logic and type systems to
advanced techniques for analysis of concurrent software to the
application of these ideas to practical systems.

Material will be presented at a tutorial level that will help graduate
students and researchers from academia or industry understand the
critical issues and open problems confronting the field. The course is
open to anyone interested. Prerequisites are an elementary knowledge
of logic and mathematics that is usually covered in undergraduate
classes on discrete mathematics. Some knowledge of programming
languages at the level provided by an undergraduate survey course will
also be expected. Our primary target group is PhD students. We also
expect attendance by faculty members who would like to conduct
research on this topic or introduce new courses at their universities.

The program consists of more than thirty 80-minute lectures presented
by internationally recognized leaders in programming languages and
security research.  Topics include:

Static Analysis for Concurrency
- Cormac Flanagan, University of California, Santa Cruz

Design and Implementation of Concurrent Systems
- Matthew Flatt, University of Utah

Concurrency in Practice for C
- Jeff Foster, University of Maryland, College Park

Atomicity:  Synchronization via Explicit Software Transactions
- Dan Grossman, University of Washington

Language-Based Techniques for Distributed Systems
- Robert Harper, Carnegie Mellon University

Making Concurrent Software Safer
- Michael Hicks, University of Maryland, College Park

Programming Dynamic Multithreaded Algorithms
- Charles Leiserson and Bradley Kuszmaul, Massachusetts Institute of 

Software Model Checking
- Shaz Qadeer, Microsoft Research

Type-Safe and Version-Safe Distributed Programming
- Peter Sewell, University of Cambridge

Architectural Support for Concurrency
- Sandhya Dwarkadas, University of Rochester


The summer school will be held at the University of Oregon, located in
the southern Willamette Valley city of Eugene, close to some of the
world's most spectacular beaches, mountains, lakes and forests.  On
Sunday, July 16, students will have the option of participating in a
group activity in Oregon's countryside.


The school will provide on-campus housing and meals. To share a room
with another student attending the school, the cost is $460.00 (USD)
per person. Housing rates are based on check-in Wednesday, July 12 and
check-out before noon on Saturday, July 22. Some single rooms may be
available for an additional fee of $130.00 (USD). If you'd like a
single room, please indicate your choice and we will try to
accommodate you on a first-come/first-served basis.


The cost for registration is $200.00 (USD) for graduate students, and
$300.00 (USD) for other participants. Reigstration must be paid upon
acceptance to the summer school, and is non-refundable. There are a
limited number of grants available to fund part of the cost of student
participation.  If you are a graduate student and want to apply for
grant money to cover your expenses, please also include a statement of
your needs with your registration.

Additional information about the program, registration, venue, and
housing options is available on the web site.  Or, you may request
more information by email.

To register for the Summer School, send a CV that includes a short
description of your educational background and one letter of
reference, unless you have already been granted a Ph.D. Please include
your name, address and current academic status.

Send all registration materials to summerschool at cs.uoregon.edu

All registration materials should be delivered to the program by March
15 (NOW EXTENDED: March 31), 2006. Materials received after the
closing date will be evaluated on a space available basis. Non
U.S. citizens should begin immediately to obtain travel documents.


Organizing committee: Jeff Foster, Dan Grossman, and Zena Ariola



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