[TYPES/announce] ph.d. studentship

Sergei SOLOVIEV soloviev at irit.fr
Mon Jun 5 17:30:09 EDT 2006

At University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse-3), Toulouse, France
 a ph.d. studentship
is available. There is no restrictions concerning
nationality, but there is an age limit ( no more than
25 ans in 2006.) Please, notice very short delay: 

- applications before 20.06

- interview 23.06

contact: soloviev at irit.fr

The categories with structure including distinguished functors
and natural transformations (subject to certain identities)
are considered, such as the Symmetric Monoidal Closed Categories
with tensor $\otimes$ and hom-functor as distinguished functors, 
associativity and commutativity of $\otimes$ etc. The "critical mass"
of theoretical results concerning the commutativity of diagrams
in such categories demands the development of adequate computer support
and software. The software should contain certain automated
and interactive verification procedures, in particular automated
procedures using the algorithms that are already known
and interactive procedures for extraction of consequences
of particular properties of concrete categories (e.g., categories
of modules). The theme is closely connected with proof theory
and commutative algebra. The competences in programming are required.
It is possible also that the ph.d. student will obtain new mathematical 
results in addition to programming part.

(Advisers: Sergei Soloviev, Mark Spivakovsky)

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