[TYPES/announce] Cats, Kets and Cloisters: Program and Registration.

Bob Coecke Bob.Coecke at comlab.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jun 29 08:54:04 EDT 2006

The provisional program of Cats, Kets and Cloisters i.e.

        Quantum Programing Languages IV
        Axiomatics for Quantum Mechanics
        New Models of Quantum Informatics
        Tensors, Knots and Braids in Logic and Physics

is now available from:


Plenary speakers are: Richard Jozsa (University of Bristol), Basil Hiley
(Birkbeck College, London) and Jim Lambek (McGill University, Montreal).
Tutorials include: Quantum Information and Computation, Logic, and
Semantics.  There will also be 10 one-hour survey talks e.g. Classical vs.
Quantum, Linear Logic, Quantum Cellular Automata, Measurement Based
Quantum Computing, Temperley-Lieb Algebra a.o.  The idea is to stimulate
interaction between members of distinct research communities.
Registration is possible via:


You also find practical information at the main website.

Best wishes, Bob Coecke.

EPSRC Advanced Fellow,
Oxford University Computing Laboratory.

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