[TYPES/announce] AMAST'08 : Final CFP

Hills, Mark A mhills at cs.uiuc.edu
Fri Feb 8 14:53:07 EST 2008

[Apologies for multiple copies.]


   %                                                        %

   %           The 12th International Conference on         %

   %       Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology    %

   %                      AMAST 2008                        %

   %                                                        %

   %                  July 28-31, 2008                      %

   %               University of Illinois                   %

   %           Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA              %

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   %              http://amast08.cs.uiuc.edu                %

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The major goal of the AMAST conferences is to promote research towards setting software technology on a firm, mathematical basis.  Work towards this goal is a collaborative, international effort with contributions from both academia and industry. The envisioned virtues of providing software technology developed on a mathematical basis include

(a) correctness, which can be proved mathematically,

(b) safety, so that developed software can be used in the implementation of critical systems,

(c) portability, i.e., independence from computing platforms and language generations, and

(d) evolutionary change, i.e., the software is self-adaptable and evolves with the problem domain.

The previous conferences were held in: Iowa City, Iowa, USA (1989,

1991 and 2000); Twente, The Netherlands (1993); Montreal, Canada (1995); Munich, Germany (1996); Sydney, Australia (1997); Manaus, Amazonia, Brazil (1998); Reunion Island, France (2002); Stirling, UK (2004, colocated with MPC' 04); Kuressaare, Estonia (2006, colocated with MPC '06).

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:


- systems software technology

- application software technology

- concurrent and reactive systems

- formal methods in industrial software development

- formal techniques for software requirements, design

- evolutionary software/adaptive systems


- logic programming, functional programming, object paradigms

- constraint programming and concurrency

- program verification and transformation

- programming calculi

- specification languages and tools

- formal specification and development case studies


- logic, category theory, relation algebra, computational algebra

- algebraic foundations for languages and systems, coinduction

- theorem proving and logical frameworks for reasoning

- logics of programs

- algebra and coalgebra

SYSTEMS AND TOOLS (for system demonstrations or ordinary papers):

- software development environments

- support for correct software development

- system support for reuse

- tools for prototyping

- component based software development tools

- validation and verification

- computer algebra systems

- theorem proving systems



Rajeev Alur              (confirmed)

Edmund M. Clarke

Jayadev Misra            (confirmed)

Teodor Rus               (confirmed)

AMAST steering committee


Michael Johnson          Macquarie University (chair)

Egidio Astesiano         Universita degli Studi di Genova

Robert Berwick           MIT

Zohar Manna              Stanford University

Michael Mislove          Tulane University

Anton Nijholt            University of Twente

Maurice Nivat            Universite Paris 7

Charles Rattray          University of Stirling

Teodor Rus               University of Iowa

Giuseppe Scollo          Universita degli Studi di Catania

Michael Sintzoff         Universite Catholique de Louvain

Jeannette Wing           Carnegie Mellon University

Martin Wirsing           Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen



Gilles Barthe            France  INRIA Sophia-Antipolis

Michel Bidoit            France  INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France

Manfred Broy             Germany  Technische Universitat Munchen

Roberto Bruni            Italy  University of Pisa

Mads Dam                 Sweden  Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm

Razvan Diaconescu        Romania  Institute of Mathematics (IMAR)

Jose Fiadeiro            UK  University of Leicester

Rob Goldblatt            New Zealand  Victoria University

Bernhard Gramlich        Austria  Vienna University of Technology

Radu Grosu               USA  State University of New York at Stony Brook

Anne Haxthausen          Denmark  Technical University of Denmark

Rolf Hennicker           Germany  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen

Michael Johnson          Australia  Macquarie University

Helene Kirchner          France  INRIA Loria, Nancy

Paul Klint               The Netherlands  CWI and Universiteit van Amsterdam

Gary T. Leavens          USA  University of Central Florida

Narciso Marti-Oliet      Spain  Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Jose Meseguer (co-chair) USA  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Michael Mislove          USA Tulane University

Ugo Montanari            Italy University of Pisa

Larry Moss               USA  Indiana University

Till Mossakowski         Germany  DFKI Bremen

Peter Mosses             UK  Swansea University

Fernando Orejas          Spain  Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona

Dusko Pavlovic           USA  Kestrel Institute and Oxford University

Grigore Rosu (co-chair)  USA  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Jan Rutten               The Netherlands  CWI and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Lutz Schroeder           Germany  DFKI Bremen/Universitat Bremen

Wolfram Schulte          USA  Microsoft Research

Giuseppe Scollo          Italy  Universita di Catania

Henny Sipma              USA  Stanford University

Doug Smith               USA  Kestrel Institute

Carolyn Talcott          USA  SRI International

Andrzej Tarlecki         Poland  Warsaw University

Varmo Vene               Estonia  University of Tartu

Martin Wirsing           Germany  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen

Uwe Wolter               Norway  University of Bergen



(all at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Jose Meseguer

Mark Hills

Grigore Rosu

Ralf Sasse



  * Submission of abstracts: 1 March 2008

  * Submission of full papers: 8 March 2008

  * Notification of authors: 20 April 2008

  * Camera-ready version: 15 May 2008



Two kinds of submissions are solicited for this conference: technical papers and system demonstrations.  Papers may report academic or industrial progress, and papers which deal with both are especially well-regarded.

Submission is in two stages.  Abstracts (plain text) must be submitted by 1 March 2008.  Full papers (pdf) adhering to the llncs style and not longer than 15 pages (6 pages for system demonstrations) must be submitted by 8 March 2008.

Submissions will be open soon.

Papers must report previously unpublished work and not be submitted concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings. Accepted papers must be presented at the conference by one of the authors.

All papers will be refereed by the programme committee, and will be judged based on their significance, technical merit, and relevance to the conference.

The proceedings of AMAST '08 will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of Springer-Verlag.

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