[TYPES/announce] call for papers FTfJP 2008
Marieke Huisman
Marieke.Huisman at sophia.inria.fr
Fri Feb 29 11:13:19 EST 2008
Call for Contributions FTfJP 2008
10th Workshop on Formal Techniques for
Java-like Programs
in conjunction with ECOOP 2008
July, 2008 (Paphos, Cyprus)
Formal techniques can help analyze programs,
precisely describe program behavior, and verify
program properties. Newer languages such as Java
and C# provide good platforms to bridge the gap
between formal techniques and practical program
development, because of their reasonably clear
semantics and standardized libraries.
Moreover, these languages are interesting targets
for formal techniques, because the novel paradigm
for program deployment introduced with Java, with
its improved portability and mobility, opens up
new possibilities for abuse and causes concern
about security.
Work on formal techniques and tools for programs
and work on the formal underpinnings of
programming languages themselves naturally
complement each other. This workshop aims to
bring together people working in both these
fields, on topics such as:
- specification techniques and interface
specification languages,
- specification of software components and library
- automated checking and verification of program
- verification logics,
- language semantics,
- type systems,
- security.
Contributions are sought on open questions, new
developments, or interesting new applications of
formal techniques in the context of Java or
similar languages, such as C#. Contributions
should not merely present completely finished
work, but also raise
challenging open problems or propose speculative
new approaches. We plan to have a special
``exciting ideas'' session during the workshop,
where challenges, new ideas, open problems and
speculative solutions will be presented, with
extra room for discussion.
Submissions must be in English and are limited to
10 pages using LNCS style (excluding
bibliography). Notice that we explicitly also
encourage the submission of short papers (of 4 - 6
pages, especially for the ``exciting ideas''
session). Papers must be submitted electronically
via the workshop website:
All contributions will be formally reviewed, for
originality, relevance, focus of the workshop, and
the potential to generate interesting discussions.
Informal proceedings will be made available to
workshop participants. Papers will also be
available from the workshop web page. There will
be no formal publication of papers.
Depending on the nature of the contributions, we
may be organizing a special journal issue as a
follow-up to the workshop, as has been done for
some previous FTfJP workshops.
April 23, 2008 Deadline for submission of abstract
April 30, 2008 Deadline for submission of full paper
May 26, 2008 Notification
June 1, 2008 Deadline for early registration to
June 9, 2008 Deadline for final version of
paper for informal proceedings
July 7 or 8, 2008 Workshop
Workshop Web Site: http://www.cs.ru.nl/ftfjp
Elvira Albert, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Cyrille Artho, RCIS/AIST, Japan
Anindya Banerjee, Kansas State University, USA
Mike Barnett, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
Amy Felty, University of Ottawa, Canada
Paola Giannini, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy
Rene Rydhof Hansen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Marieke Huisman, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
Atsushi Igarashi, Kyoto University, Japan
Bart Jacobs, University of Leuven, Belgium
Gerwin Klein, National ICT Australia, Australia
Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami, Carnegie Mellon
University, USA
Matthew Parkinson, University of Cambridge, UK
Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, University of
Kaiserslautern, Germany
Tobias Wrigstad, Purdue University, USA
Marieke Huisman, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
Sophia Drossopoulou, Imperial College London, UK
Susan Eisenbach, Imperial College London, UK
Gary T. Leavens, University of Central Florida, USA
Peter Mueller, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, University of
Kaiserslautern, Germany
Erik Poll, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
For more information, send email to Marieke Huisman:
Marieke.Huisman at sophia.inria.fr
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