[TYPES/announce] 2nd CFP: ECOOP Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools (EOOLT)
Peter Fritzson
petfr at ida.liu.se
Mon Apr 7 03:25:12 EDT 2008
CFP: ECOOP Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools
Call for Contributions EOOLT'2008
2nd Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools
in conjunction with ECOOP 2008
July 8, 2008 (Pathos, Cyprus)
(see also: http://2008.ecoop.org/)
Computer aided modeling and simulation of complex systems, using components
from multiple application domains, such as electrical, mechanical,
hydraulic, control, etc., have in recent years witnessed a significant
growth of interest. In the last decade, novel modeling and simulation
languages, (e.g. Modelica, gPROMS, Chi, Verilog-AMS, and VHDL-AMS) based on
acausal modeling using differential algebraic equations (DAEs) have
appeared. Using such languages, it has become possible to model complex
systems covering multiple application domains at a high level of abstraction
through reusable model components. In the last couple of years the name
equation-based object-oriented (EOO) language has been introduced to denote
modeling languages within this category.
The EOOLT Workshop addresses the current state of the art of EOO modeling
languages as well as open issues that currently still limit the expression
power, correctness, and usefulness of such languages through a set of
full-length presentations and forum discussions.
The workshop is concerned with, but not limited to, the following themes:
* Acausality and its role in model reusability.
* Component systems for EOO languages.
* Database lookup and knowledge invocation.
* Discrete-event and hybrid modeling using EOO languages.
* Embedded systems.
* EOO language constructs in support of simulation, optimization,
and system identification.
* EOO mathematical modeling vs. UML modeling.
* Equation-based languages supporting DAEs and/or PDEs.
* Formal semantics of EOO related languages.
* Multi-resolution / multi-scale modeling using EOO languages.
* Numerical coupling of EOO simulators and other simulation tools.
* Parallel execution of EOO models.
* Performance issues.
* Programming / modeling environments.
* Real-time simulation using EOO languages.
* Reflection and meta-programming.
* Reuse of models in EOO languages.
* Table lookup and interpolation.
* Type systems and early static checking.
* Verification.
* Model-driven development.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit full-length research
papers (up to 10 pages) for consideration by the program committee.
Papers are welcome that offer presentations and discussions of existing
tools, their capabilities and limitations; reports on practical experience;
demonstrations of tools, ideas, and concepts; positions related to relevant
questions; and discussion topics.
If a paper has been accepted, the authors should present the paper at the
workshop and also have the paper published in electronic proceedings (and a
local conference paper version) at Linköping University Electronic Press.
The best of these papers will be selected and the authors will be asked to
resubmit an extended version for review and to be possibly published in the
SIMPRA journal.
Important Dates
* Submission deadline: April 30
* Author notification: May 26
* ECOOP Early Registration: June 1
* Camera-ready: June 9
* Workshop in Cyprus: July 8
Organizing Committee
* Peter Fritzson (Chair)
* François Cellier (Co-Chair)
* David Broman (Co-Chair)
* Loucas Louca (Local Organizer), University of Cyprus
For questions regarding the workshop, please send an email to
the organizing committe: 2008 at eoolt.org.
Program Committee (incomplete)
Peter Fritzson, Linköping University, Sweden; Chair
François Cellier, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Co-Chair
David Broman, Linköping University, Sweden; Co-Chair
Bernhard Bachmann, University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld, Germany
Bert van Beek, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Gilad Bracha, Cadence Design Systems, USA
Felix Breitenecker, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Jan Broenink, University of Twente, Netherlands
Peter Bunus, Linköping University, Sweden
Ernst Christen, Lynguent, Inc., Portland, OR, USA
Sebastián Dormido, National University for Distance Education, Madrid, Spain
Olaf Enge-Rosenblatt, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Dresden,
Peter Feiler, SEI, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA
Stefan Jähnichen, Fraunhofer FIRST and TU Berlin, Germany
Petter Krus, Linköping University, Sweden
Loucas Louca, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Jakob Mauss, QTronic GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Pieter Mosterman, MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA
Ramine Nikoukhah, INRIA Rocquencourt, France
Henrik Nilsson, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Martin Otter, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Chris Paredis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
César de Prada, University of Valladolid, Spain
Juan José Ramos, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
Peter Schwarz, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Dresden,
Paul Strooper, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Michael Tiller, Emmeskay, Inc., Plymouth, MI, USA
Martin Törngren, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Alfonso Urquía, UNED, Madrid, Spain
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