[TYPES/announce] ICALP 2008: Call for Participation
Luca Aceto
luca at ru.is
Sun May 4 07:12:54 EDT 2008
35th International Colloquium on
Automata, Languages and Programming
July 6-13, 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland
The 35th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, the main conference and annual meeting of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) will be held from the 6th to the 13th of July 2008 on the premises of Reykjavik University in Reykjavik, Iceland. The main conference will take place from the 7th till the 11th of July, and will be preceded and followed by 13 co-located events. (See http://www.ru.is/icalp08/workshops.html for the list of events affiliated with ICALP 2008.) In addition, the ETACS award 2008 to Leslie G. Valiant (Harvard, USA) and the Goedel prize 2008 will be awarded at the conference.
Following the successful experience of the last three editions, ICALP 2008 will complement the established structure of the scientific program based on Track A on Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and Games, and Track B on Logic, Semantics, and Theory of Programming, corresponding to the two main streams of the journal Theoretical Computer Science, with a special Track C on Security and Cryptography Foundations The aim of Track C is to allow a deeper coverage of a particular topic, to be specifically selected for each year's edition of ICALP on the basis of its timeliness and relevance for the theoretical computer science community.
The scientific programme for the conference is available at the following URLs:
http://www.ru.is/icalp08/programme.html (programme overview)
http://www.ru.is/icalp08/Icalp08TrackAProg.html (track A)
http://www.ru.is/icalp08/programmeB.html (track B)
http://www.ru.is/icalp08/programmeC.html (track C).
Apart from the presentation of 126 selected contributions for the three tracks, the conference will feature the following invited talks:
* Ran Canetti (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and MIT, USA)
"Composable Formal Security Analysis: Juggling Soundness, Simplicity and Efficiency"
* Bruno Courcelle (Labri, Universite Bordeaux, France)
"Graph Structure and Monadic Second-order Logic: Language Theoretical Aspects"
* Javier Esparza (Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany)
"Newtonian Program Analysis"
* Muthu Muthukrishnan (Google, USA)
"Internet Ad Auctions: Insights and Directions"
* Peter Winkler (Dartmouth, USA).
In addition, Peter Winkler will hold a master class on mathematical puzzles on Tuesday, 8 July, and there will be talks by Leslie G. Valiant and the recipient(s) of the Goedel
prize 2008 on Thursday, 10 July.
Information on registration for the conference and affiliated events is available at
To register, visit the URL
We strongly recommend that you register for the ICALP conference and book accommodation before May 5th, as that date is the deadline for registering at the lower fee. After May 5th hotel rooms will also start to get released since July is the prime holiday season in Iceland and the demand for hotel accommodation is very high.
NOTE: For those who have not decided yet which workshop(s) they are going to attend when registering for the conference, it is possible to register for workshops at the lower fee until June 5th by sending an e-mail to the Conference Secretariat at the address icalp2008 AT iii.is<http://iii.is>.
Luca Aceto
Magnus M. Halldorsson
Anna Ingolfsdottir
Email: icalp08 AT ru.is<http://ru.is>
For further information see: http://www.ru.is/icalp08/
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