[TYPES/announce] Graph-Based Tools Contest: Call for Cases
Arend Rensink
rensink at cs.utwente.nl
Mon May 5 05:45:27 EDT 2008
Graph-Based Tools Contest: Call for Cases
12-13 September, Leicester, UK
Satellite workshop of ICGT 2008
Tools are crucial for the promotion of graph transformation in industry. Currently, a variety of tool environments exist for different graph transformation approaches. However, for potential users, working in application domains where graph transformation may be a useful technique, it is difficult to select the right tool for their purpose. Moreover, even the experience of many existing users does not extend beyond a few of the available tools. Finally, and maybe most importantly, the tool developers themselves can also be inspired by a more detailed understanding of related approaches.
The aim of this event is to compare the expressiveness, the usability and the performance of graph transformation tools along a number of selected case studies. This will enable us to learn about the pros and cons of each tool
considering different applications. A deeper understanding of the relative merits of different tool features will help to further improve graph transformation tools and to indicate open problems.
The event is the second of its kind: the first graph-based tool contest took place as part of the AGTIVE 2007 workshop in Kassel, Germany.
Phase 1: Case proposal submission
In order to facilitate the comparison of graph transformation tools, we are solliciting potential case studies. Submissions for case study proposals are requested. If you have a suitable case study, please describe it shortly but as detailed as needed and send it to Pieter Van Gorp (pieter at pietervangorp.com) and to Arend Rensink (rensink at cs.utwente.nl) by *May 20, 2008* This includes cases that have already been carried out using a given tool. A committee will select a small, but representative set of case studies to be used for the contest.
Please submit at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=grabats2008
Phase 2: Case solution submission
All those who like to participate in the contest are asked to choose one or more case studies, take their favourite graph transformation tool and submit their solutions. Each submission should cover the following issues: a short presentation of the chosen graph transformation tool, a description of the chosen case study variant if any, a presentation of the chosen solution, including a discussion of design decisions. More detailed instructions will be given in the case descriptions themselves.
Solutions are to be submitted by July 1, 2008. Depending on the number of submissions, a selection will be made of solutions to be presented; the other submissions will get a chance for a (non-plenary) tool demo at the end of the workshop. In addition, it is planned to have a special journal issue where submitters have a chance to improve and write up their solutions.
Please submit at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=grabats2008
Phase 3: Workshop and live contest
Besides the presentation and discussion of the solutions, the workshop will include for the first time a live contest session. During this session, which will take place the afternoon of Friday, September 12, participants will be handed out a case description which they will be asked to solve within the time available on Friday. Solutions will be compared and presented on Saturday, September 13, together with the submitted solutions to the published case studies. In this way we want to compare the usability of the tools for rapid development.
Important dates:
May 20, 2008: Deadline for case study proposals
June 1, 2008: Selected case studies published
July 1, 2008: Deadline for solutions
August 1, 2008: Acceptance notice for solutions
Case Committee:
Rubino Geiss (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt University, US)
Arend Rensink (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Gabriele Taentzer (University of Marburg, Germany)
Pieter Van Gorp (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Daniel Varro (Technical University of Budapest, Hungary)
Albert Zündorf (University of Kassel, Germany)
Arend Rensink (Email: rensink at cs.utwente.nl)
Pieter Van Gorp (Email: pieter at pietervangorp.be)
Tom Staijen (Email: staijen at cs.utwente.nl)
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