[TYPES/announce] APLAS 2008 Call For Participation
Xinyu Feng
xinyu.feng at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 00:40:34 EDT 2008
Call for Participation
The Sixth Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems
December 9 - December 11, 2008
Bangalore, India
Scope of the Conference
APLAS aims at stimulating programming language research by providing a
forum for the presentation of recent results and the exchange of ideas
and experience in topics concerned with programming languages and
systems. APLAS is based in Asia, but is an international forum that
serves the worldwide programming languages community.
The APLAS series is sponsored by the Asian Association for Foundation
of Software (AAFS), which has recently been founded by Asian
researchers in cooperation with many researchers from Europe and the
USA. The past formal APLAS symposiums were successfully held in
Singapore (2007), Sydney (2006, Australia), Tsukuba (2005, Japan),
Taipei (2004, Taiwan) and Beijing (2003, China) after three informal
workshops held in Shanghai (2002, China), Daejeon (2001, Korea) and
Singapore (2000). Proceedings of the symposiums are published in
Springer-Verlag's LNCS.
Conference Location
APLAS'08 will be held at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India,
as part of the institute's centenary celebrations and is co-located
with FSTTCS 2008 (Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer
The online registration site is now open at:
Conference Program (tentative)
December 9, 2008 (Tuesday)
Session 1 (Invited Talk)
Abductive Inference for Reasoning about Heaps
(Dino Distefano)
Session 2
A Sound Floating-Point Polyhedra Abstract Domain
(Liqian Chen, Antoine Mine, Patrick Cousot)
A Flow-Sensitive Region Inference for CLI
(Alexandru Stefan, Florin Craciun, Wei-Ngan Chin)
Context-Sensitive Relevancy Analysis for Efficient Symbolic Execution
(Xin Li, Daryl Shannon, Indradeep Ghosh, Mizuhito Ogawa, Sreeranga
Rajan, Sarfraz Khurshid)
Session 3
Static Detection of Place Locality and Elimination of Runtime Checks
(Shivali Agarwal, Rajkishore Barik, V. Krishna Nandivada,
Rudrapatna Shyamasundar, Pradeep Varma)
Certified Reasoning in Memory Hierarchies
(Gilles Barthe, Cesar Kunz, Jorge Luis Sacchini)
Session 4
Game Characterizations of Process Equivalences
(Xin Chen, Yuxin Deng)
Extensional Universal Types for Call-by-Value
(Kazuyuki Asada)
December 10, 2008 (Wednesday)
Session 1 (Invited Talk)
Harnessing the Multicores: Nested Data Parallelism in Haskell
(Simon Peyton Jones)
Session 2
Minimal Ownership for Active Objects
(Dave Clarke, Tobias Wrigstad, Johan Ostlund, Einar Broch Johnsen)
Type-Based Deadlock-Freedom Verification for Non-Block-Structured
Lock Primitives and Mutable References
(Kohei Suenaga)
Reasoning about Java's Reentrant Locks
(Christian Haack, Marieke Huisman, Clement Hurlin)
Session 3
ML Modules and Haskell Type Classes: A Constructive Comparison
(Stefan Wehr, Manuel Chakravarty)
The Essence of Form Abstraction
(Ezra Cooper, Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler, Jeremy Yallop)
Session 4
On affine usages in signal-based communication
(Roberto Amadio, Mehdi Dogguy)
Abstraction of Clocks in Synchronous Data-flow Systems
(Albert Cohen, Louis Mandel, Florence Plateau, Marc Pouzet)
The Complexity of Coverage
(Krishnendu Chatterjee, Luca de Alfaro, Rupak Majumdar)
December 11, 2008 (Thursday)
Session 1 (Invited talk)
From Authorization Logics to Types for Authorization
(Radha Jagadeesan)
Session 2
Interface Types for Haskell
(Peter Thiemann, Stefan Wehr)
Exception Handlers as Extensible Cases
(Matthias Blume, Umut Acar, Wonseok Chae)
Sound and Complete Type Inference for a Systems Programming Language
(Swaroop Sridhar, Jonathan Shapiro, Scott F. Smith)
Session 3
An Operational Semantics for JavaScript
(Sergio Maffeis, John Mitchell, Ankur Taly)
JavaScript Instrumentation in Practice
(Haruka Kikuchi, Dachuan Yu, Ajay Chander, Hiroshi Inamura, Igor Serikov)
Poster Session
APLAS 2008 includes a poster session.
S. Ramesh (India Science Lab, GM R&D, India)
G. Ramalingam (Microsoft Research India)
Tyng-Ruey Chuang (Institute of Information Science, Academia
Sinica, Taiwan)
Xinyu Feng (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, U.S.A.)
Mathew Flatt (University of Utah, U.S.A.)
Yuxi Fu (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
Rajiv Gupta (University of California, Riverside, U.S.A.)
Siau-Cheng Khoo (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Naoki Kobayashi (Tohoku University, Japan)
P. Madhusudan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.)
Soo-Mook Moon (Seoul National University, Korea)
Komondoor V Raghavan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
G. Ramalingam (Microsoft Research India)
Mooly Sagiv (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Koushik Sen (University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.)
Zhendong Su (University of California, Davis, U.S.A.)
Martin Sulzmann (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London, U.K.)
Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College, London, U.K.)
Komondoor V Raghavan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Venkatesh-Prasad Ranganath (Microsoft Research India)
Prahladavaradan Sampath (India Science Lab, GM R&D, India)
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