[TYPES/announce] Call for workshops (Distributed Computing Techniques 2009, Lisbon)

Martin Steffen msteffen at ifi.uio.no
Fri Oct 31 10:31:52 EDT 2008


                 Call for Affiliated Workshops 

         Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques 2009

          Lisbon, Portugal
          Conference dates: June 9-12, 2009
          workshops date:   12 June, 2009 


The Distributed Computing Techniques 2009 invites proposals for

	    ****   one day workshops  ****

to be held in conjunction with the main conferences. Prospective workshop
organizers are requested to follow the guidelines below and are encouraged
to contact the workshops chair should any questions arise.

The 4th IFIP Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, conjoining:

          - FMOODS/FORTE'09 (11th IFIP Conference on Formal Methods for 
	                     Open Object-Based Distributed Systems  and
	                     29th IFIP Conference on Formal Techniques for
    		             Networked and Distributed Systems)

          - DAIS'09         (9th IFIP International Conference on 
                             Distributed Applications and Interoperable
	  - COORDINATION'09 (11th International Conference on 
                             Coordination Models and Languages)

will be held next summer in Lisbon, Portugal. Researchers and practitioners
are invited to submit proposals for workshops on topics related to
distributed computing techniques and their applications. The purpose of the
workshops is to provide a forum for members of a focused research community
to present preliminary research results and discuss position-style
papers. Workshops are alternative forums for presenting full research
papers. As such, organizers are encouraged to adopt an format that fosters
interaction and discussion, devoting less focus to individual, formal

                       == Proposals should include == 

   * The title, theme, and goals of the workshop. 
   * The targeted audience and the expected minimum and maximum number of
     participants. We prefer that workshops remain open to participation
     from any members of the community, but by-invitation-only workshops
     will also be considered. Please explicitly state your preference. 

   * The publicity strategy that will be used by the workshop organizers
     to promote the workshop. 
   * The participant solicitation and selection process. 

   * Publication plan. Each workshop is responsible for managing its own
     publication (e.g., pre- or post- proceedings), if any is
     desired. Several options are available: 

          -- digital publication in ENTCS (Electronic Notes in Theoretical
             Computer Science) or the ACM Digital Library. This option is
             encouraged as it allows both for official, widespread
             publication and involves relatively low overhead.

          -- informal distribution from a private web page (managed by you)
          -- printing an informal booklet directly in Lisbon (for a small
             fee, and with reasonable deadlines in advance to allow
             printing time) State your publication intentions in your
             proposal. If enough workshops are interested in either ENTCS
             or the ACM DL, we will approach the publishers as a
             federation, otherwise contact information will be forward for
             you to deal directly with the editors.  

    * Approximate budget proposal. 

    * A preliminary version of the call for papers. This CFP must include
      important dates including submission, notification, and camera-ready

    * The equipment and any other resource necessary for the organization
      of the workshop. 

    * A brief description of the organizer's background, including relevant
      past experience on organizing workshops and contact information.

               ==   Review Process == 

Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the organizers. Acceptance is based
on an evaluation of the workshop's potential for generating useful results,
the timeliness and expected interest in the topic, the organizer's ability
to lead a successful workshop, and potential for attracting sufficient
number of participants.

              == Publication/Presentation == 

Workshop organizers are responsible for following items: 

    * A workshop description (200 words) for inclusion on the DisCoTec site.  

   * Hosting and maintaining web pages to be linked from the DisCoTec site. 

   * Workshop proceedings, if any. 

   * Publicizing the event 

               == Important Dates == 

   * Workshop proposals due November 17th, 2008. 

   * Notification of acceptance: December 1st, 2008. 

   * Submissions to: discotec09ws at di.fc.ul.pt 

                == The DisCoTec organization offers == 

DisCoTec will provide registration and organizational support for the
workshops. Registration fees must be paid for all participants, including
organizers and invited guests. To cover food and basic expenses, all
workshops will be required to charge a minimum participation fee (the
precise amount is still to be determined, but should be approximately 80
Eur). Each workshop may increase this fee to cover additional expenses such
as publication charges, student scholarships, registration for invited
guests, etc. All fees will be collected by the DisCoTec organizers as part
of the registration, then additional funds will be redistributed to the
individual workshop organizers. Additionally, DisCoTec organisation will

   * A link from DisCoTec and Workshop web sites to the workshop web

   * Setup of meeting space, and related equipment. 
   * Coffee-breaks. 

   * On-line and on-site registration to the workshop. 

The main responsibility of organizing a workshop goes to the workshop
chairperson(s), including: 

   * Workshop publicity (possibly including call for papers, submission
     and review process).

   * Scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the DisCoTec

             == Contact Information == 

Please contact the DisCoTec09 workshops organizer (Francisco Martins) for
further details at the address: discotec09ws at di.fc.ul.pt

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