[TYPES/announce] FOOL '09: Call for Participation
Christopher A. Stone
stone at cs.hmc.edu
Mon Dec 15 14:39:23 EST 2008
2009 International Workshop on
Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages
(FOOL '09)
Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Savannah, Georgia, USA
Following POPL '09
The search for sound principles for object-oriented languages has led
to a better understanding of the key concepts of object-oriented
languages and to important developments in type theory, semantics,
program verification, and program development. The FOOL workshops
bring together researchers to share new ideas and results in these
The next workshop, FOOL '09 will be held in Savannah, Georgia, USA on
Saturday, 24 January 2009, the day after POPL. The program includes
two invited speakers, six contributed talks, and lunch.
To register for the workshop, use the standard POPL registration form,
available through:
The POPL early registration deadline ends ****December 19th****.
To keep down the cost of registration, we will not be providing
printed proceedings. All papers will be available online before the
workshop, so you may print any papers you wish to have on hand.
Peter Thiemann
Generalized Interfaces for Java
Jeff Foster
Diamondback Ruby
CZ: Multiple Inheritance Without Diamonds
Donna Malayeri
Dynamic Interfaces
Simon Gay, Antonio Ravara and Vasco Vasconcelos
Flattening versus direct semantics for Featherweight Jigsaw
Giovanni Lagorio, Marco Servetto and Elena Zucca
Growing a Syntax
Eric Allen, Ryan Culpepper, Janus Dam Nielsen,
Jon Rafkind and Sukyoung Ryu
Modular Verification with Shared Abstractions
Uri Juhasz, Noam Rinetzky, Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter,
Mooly Sagiv and Eran Yahav
Recency Types for Dynamically-Typed, Object-Based Languages
Phillip Heidegger and Peter Thiemann
Program Chair
Jonathan Aldrich (Carnegie Mellon University)
e-mail: jonathan.aldrich at cs.cmu.edu
Program Committee
* Viviana Bono (Università di Torino)
* Gilad Bracha (Cadence Design Systems)
* Sophia Drossopoulou (Imperial College London)
* Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University)
* Ondřej Lhoták (University of Waterloo)
* Ole Lehrmann Madsen (Aarhus University)
* Sean McDirmid (Microsoft Advanced Technology Center)
* Peter Müller (Microsoft Research)
* Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder)
* Mandana Vaziri (IBM Research)
Steering Committee
* Viviana Bono (Universita` di Torino)
* Kathleen Fisher (AT&T Labs)
* Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University)
* Benjamin Pierce (University of Pennsylvania)
* John Reppy (University of Chicago)
* Christopher Stone (Harvey Mudd College) [Chair]
* Philip Wadler (University of Edinburgh)
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