[TYPES/announce] Vacant PhD Scholarships at FIRST, Copenhagen

Thomas Hildebrandt hilde at itu.dk
Sat May 2 02:57:47 EDT 2009

** Vacant PhD Scholarships at the cross-university Research School on **
** Foundations for Innovative Research based Software Technologies 
(FIRST) **

The FIRST Research School (www.first.dk) coordinates and organizes 
events and
PhD courses for all PhD students in foundational aspects of computer science
in Copenhagen, Denmark, creating a stimulating and exciting environment for
PhD studies.

The Research School currently has about 40 PhD students and 40 supervisors
affiliated to faculty groups at IT University of Copenhagen, University of
Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, and Roskilde University. All
research labs are easily reachable from each other by public transport 
40 minutes.

The scientific focus of FIRST is on the fundamental understanding of 
science: Semantics, logic, algorithmics, and complexity theory and
applications within verification, configuration, optimization, scheduling,
systems biology concurrency, mobility, programming languages, program 
compilers, and software tools.

FIRST currently invites for applications for PhD scholarships at

Technical University of Denmark (http://www.mt-lab.dk)
Deadline for application: Monday, June 15th, 2009

* The Algorithms and Programming Languages (APL) group at
Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
Deadline for application: Monday, June 15th, 2009

* The Programming, Logic and Intelligent Systems (PLIS)
research group at Roskilde University (http://plis.ruc.dk)
Deadline for application: Monday, June 15th, 2009

* IT University of Copenhagen (www.itu.dk/research)
Deadline for application: October, 2009

Expected start of Ph.D. position (for application deadlines June 15th) is
subject to negotiation, though preferably no later than August 1st, 2009.
Expected start of Ph.D position at IT University of Copenhagen is primo 
A separate application must be sent to each of the institutions to which one
wishes to apply.

See below for more detailed descriptions of the topics at each partner
institution and guidelines for how to apply.


The pervasive and original element of MT-LAB is the development of Computer
Scientific models that integrate qualitative and quantitative mathematical
theories in order to analyse the important properties of the hybrid IT
systems of the future.

MT-LAB builds on formal techniques for modelling systems and their

We study process calculi and their transition systems for modelling systems
and we focus on logical formula for expressing the properties of interest.

The research of MT-LAB is organised into the three themes, which are
chosen in order to obtain maximal synergy between the complementary skills
of the partners:

1. Static analysis and model checking are complementary approaches to
the validation of discrete and, to a certain extent, stochastic and 
systems. In MT-LAB we believe that the two approaches fundamentally 
solve the
same problem – but using a different repertoire of techniques that must be
combined in order to produce much more powerful analysis techniques.

2. Embedded systems and service-oriented systems are two dominant
platforms for the development of IT systems – they are expected to merge and
create the IT systems of the future. In MT-LAB we believe that there is no
fundamental difference between the techniques and properties required 
for their
analysis and verification.

3. Components and global characteristic features are complementary 
to the construction and understanding of complex IT systems. In MT-LAB 
we believe
that neither of the approaches will suffice for the effective analysis 
of complex
IT Systems – but that the analysis of systems can be fruitfully 
decomposed into a
compositional component and a less demanding characteristic feature thereby
reducing the perceived cost of analysis.

Within these themes a number of more specific research tasks have been 
identified for
the first couple of years:

* Technology transfer
* Beyond finiteness
* Stochastic analysis
* Hybrid systems
* Resource usage
* Service level guarantees
* Interfaces

If you are interested in learning about MT-LAB please look at

If you are interested in one of the positions please

1. Study the regulations for the DTU PhD programme as described at

2. Please fill out a draft version of the application form that you find
in the rightmost column of that page (including transcripts of grades, the
form for converting the grades to the Danish system, and any scientific 
and letters of recommendation that you may have).

3. Submit the material to professor Flemming Nielson at the address
<mt-lab at imm.dtu.dk> for a discussion of how to finalise the description 
of the
research programme so as to fit your interests as well as those of MT-LAB.

** Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (DIKU) **

DIKU, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, invites 
for a Ph.D. scholarship for projects on the borderline between the fields of
combinatorial optimization and computational biology.

Our research group has a long-standing research interests in solving NP-hard
optimization problems (such as packing, VLSI-design, vehicle routing, 
network design).
In recent years we have been applying combinatorial optimization methods 
to solve complex
protein-related problems (such as for example protein structure 
prediction, docking,
collision detection).

We also have been interested in the applicability of advanced 
geometrical data
structures (such as Voronoi diagrams, kd-trees, alpha shapes) to solve 
this kind
of problems.

Applicants are required to have a master degree or its equivalent in 
computer science or
operations research. No a priori knowledge of molecular biology is 
required. However,
the applicants should be willing to strengthen our collaboration with 
both on-campus
and external bioinformatic reaserch groups.

Inquiries should be directed to:

Pawel Winter
Vice head of the Algorithms and Programming Languages group at DIKU
Dept. of Computer Science Univ. of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 1
2100 Copenhagen O

Email: pawel at diku.dk
Tel. +45 35321427

In order to qualify for the admission to the Ph.D. study and for the 
scholarship, the
applicants must fulfill all the requirements of the University of 
Copenhagen, see

Application forms are available at 

Evaluation guidelines for scholarship applications can be found at

Scanned copies of the filled application form and all enclosures (in a 
single pdf-file)
should be emailed to Pawel Winter, Associate Professor, pawel at diku.dk, 
not later than by
June 15, 2009

** PLIS (Programming, Logic and Intelligent Systems) research group, 
Roskilde University **

The PLIS research group at Roskilde University investigates foundations, 
tools and languages
for the development of adaptable, reliable, human-oriented computer 
systems. The group's
research covers theoretical foundations, languages, tools and semantic 
models together with
application areas. The main research topics are:

* Knowledge-based systems and intelligent interaction with systems.
* Logic and knowledge representation.
* Programming languages and tools.

Long-term objectives of the PLIS Group

* To develop techniques and theories allowing intuitive interaction with 
and knowledge-based systems, including natural language understanding 
and generation,
and interpretation of interaction with respect to a context that is 
constantly changing.

* To construct logics and structures capable of creating and reasoning 
about models of
the environment and human activities, including common-sense concepts 
and representation
of dynamically changing situations.

* To develop semantics, languages, methods and tools for software 
production, analysis
and transformation, allowing automatic generation, checking and 
evolution of software

For more information about the PLIS group and its current projects 
please visit http://plis.ruc.dk.
Roskilde University (http://www.ruc.dk/ruc_en/) is situated just east of 
the town of Roskilde,
25 minutes by train from Copenhagen Central Station, on a campus with 
all facilities within a
few minutes’ walking distance. PhD students in Computer Science are 
normally affiliated with the
PhD program DMIT, which is part of the PhD School for Communication, 
Business and Information
Technologies at Roskilde University. PhD students in the PLIS group are 
affiliated as well with the
cross-university FIRST Research School.

The full announcement of the PhD position at Roskilde University will 
appear at

Further information can be obtained from

John Gallagher
Roskilde University
Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies
Building 43.2
P.O. Box 260
DK-4000 Roskilde

Email: jpg at ruc.dk, Tel. +45 4674 2196

** IT University of Copenhagen **

The faculty groups at IT University of Copenhagen participating in FIRST 
are the

* Efficient Computation group (head: Rasmus Pagh, pagh at itu.dk)
* Programming, Logic and Semantics (PLS) group (head: Lars Birkedal, 
birkedal at itu.dk)
* Software Development Group (head: Peter Sestoft, sestoft at itu.dk)

The groups currently consist of 16 senior researchers, 7 post docs and 
25 PhD students.

Research topics include: algorithms for searching and storing of large 
amounts of data,
automated reasoning, business processes, category theory, complexity 
theory, concurrency
theory, distributed and mobile computing, domain theory, efficient 
solutions to problems
arising in logical formulations within planning, empirical studies 
ofsoftware development
in organizations, exact algorithms for NP-hard problems, scheduling, 
verification, test,
and configuration; efficient computation, Electronic Health Records, 
electronic voting,
logical frameworks, software architectures, object-oriented methodology 
and notations,
programming languages, programming language technology for functional 
and object-oriented
languages, proof assistants, semantics, ubiquitous computing, user 
interface software
technology, workflow languages.

Detailed descriptions of the faculty groups can be found at 

In general a PhD topic would be adjusted to the qualifications and 
interests of a
particular student.

The full announcement of the PhD position at IT University of Copenhagen 
will appear at

Further information can be obtained from

Thomas Hildebrandt
Director of FIRST, Associate Professor
IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaards Vej 7
DK-2300 København S

Office: 3C 11
Phone: (+45) 72 18 52 79
Fax: (+45) 72 18 50 01
Email: hilde at itu.dk
URL: http://www.itu.dk/people/hilde/

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