[TYPES/announce] FICS'09 2nd Call for papers - Fixed Points in Computer Science (CSL'09 workshop)

Tarmo Uustalu tarmo at cs.ioc.ee
Wed Jun 17 05:26:45 EDT 2009

                 2nd Call for Papers (Extended Abstracts)

        6th Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science, FICS 2009
                Coimbra, Portugal, 12-13 September 2009,
                    a satellite workshop of CSL 2009,
                  colocated with PPDP 2009, LOPSTR 2009



Fixed points play a fundamental role in several areas of computer
science and logic by justifying induction and recursive
definitions. The construction and properties of fixed points have been
investigated in many different frameworks such as: design and
implementation of programming languages, program logics,
databases. The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for
researchers to present their results to those members of the computer
science and logic communities who study or apply the theory of fixed
points. Previous workshops where held in Brno (1998, MFCS/CSL
workshop), Paris (2000, LC workshop), Florence (2001, PLI workshop),
Copenhagen (2002, LICS (FLoC) workshop), Warsaw (2003, ETAPS workshop).

Topics include, but are not restricted to:

    * categorical, metric and ordered fixed point models
    * fixed points in algebra and coalgebra
    * fixed points in languages and automata
    * fixed points in programming language semantics
    * the mu-calculus and fixed points in modal logic
    * fixed points in process algebras and process calculi
    * fixed points in the lambda-calculus, 
         functional programming and type theory
    * fixed points in relation to dataflow and circuits
    * fixed points in logic programming and theorem proving
    * finite model theory, descriptive complexity theory, 
         fixed points in databases

Invited speakers

Javier Esparza (Technische Universität München)
Yde Venema (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
a 3rd invited speaker tba

Contributed talks

Selection of contributed talks is based on extended abstracts/short
papers of 3..6 pp formatted with easychair.cls. Submission is via
EasyChair by 30 June 2009. The authors will be notified of
acceptance/rejection by 21 July 2009.

Camera-ready versions of the accepted contributions, due by 11 August
2009, will be published for distribution at the workshop as a
technical report.

If the number and quality of submissions and accepted talks warrant
this, EDP Sciences will publish a special issue of Theoretical
Informatics and Applications. The special issues of the previous
editions of FICS appeared in the same journal.

Programme committee

Yves Bertot (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
Anuj Dawar (University of Cambridge)
Peter Dybjer (Chalmers University of Technology)
Zoltán Ésik (University of Szeged)
Masahito Hasegawa (Kyoto University)
Anna Ingólfsdóttir (Reykjavik University)
Ralph Matthes (IRIT, Toulouse) (co-chair)
Jan Rutten (CWI and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Luigi Santocanale (LIF, Marseille)
Alex Simpson (University of Edinburgh)
Tarmo Uustalu (Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn) (co-chair)
Igor Walukiewicz (LaBRI, Bordeaux)


EXCS, Estonian Centre of Excellence in Computer Science

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