[TYPES/announce] Two post-doc positions in Paris: Ludics and Differential Linear Logic
Damiano Mazza
damiano.mazza at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Sat Jun 20 13:57:14 EDT 2009
Two post-doctoral positions in Paris
LIPN (Paris 13) and PPS (Paris 7)
Complexity and Concurrency through
Ludics and Differential Linear Logic
Two 12-month post-doctoral positions are available at the laboratories
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Nord (LIPN), Univ. Paris 13
Preuves, Programmes et Systemes (PPS), Univ. Paris 7
within the research project Collodi (Complexity and Concurrency
through Ludics and Differential Linear Logic,
http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~mazza/Collodi), funded by the
Region Ile-de-France via the Digiteo consortium
______________ Important dates ________________
July 31: application deadline.
August 14: notification.
October 1st: suggested starting date.
_____________ Scientific context ______________
The Collodi project revolves around two major research axes:
1. foundations of computational complexity, with applications
to the analysis and certification of resource use in programming;
2. development of models of concurrent and probabilistic
The connection between these two apparently unrelated areas is in
the common methodology proposed, which is mostly based on proof
theory (especially linear logic) and the mathematical fields
associated with it, which are traditionally combinatorics,
algebra, topology, category theory, and, less traditionally,
analysis and measure theory.
In particular, our aim is to use ludics and differential linear
logic, two theories belonging to the offspring of linear logic
proof theory, to provide new foundations and richer, deeper
structure to the two above mentioned domains.
Although each of the two laboratories is naturally offset towards
one of the two axes (LIPN for the first axis and PPS for the
second), both partners will cooperate and contribute to both
research topics. In particular, interaction between the two
post-doc researchers will be most welcome and encouraged.
__________________ Location ___________________
LIPN (http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr) plays a major role in
research in computer science within the northern Paris area. The
post-doc researcher will work within the Logic, Computation and
Reasoning group (http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/LCR), among whose
main research directions there are proof theory, linear logic,
lambda-calculus, implicit computational complexity, denotational
semantics, and algebraic combinatorics. LIPN is situated in
Villetaneuse, in the northern suburbs of Paris, within the campus
of the University Paris 13 (about 45 minutes from the city center
by public transportation).
PPS (http://www.pps.jussieu.fr) is internationally recognized as
one of the leading research laboratories in mathematics and
computer science, with its distinctive proof-theoretic culture.
Its main research topics include linear logic, ludics, rewriting
theory, category theory, type theory, concurrency theory and
probabilistic models, but the laboratory also offers a wide
spectrum of other computer science subjects, including software
development (open source, web programming, proof assistants). The
laboratory PPS is located in Chevaleret, the largest research
community of mathematicians in France. The laboratory PPS is also
part of the Fondation Sciences Mathematiques de Paris
Additionally, both laboratories have strong interactions with the
following sites:
- Laboratoire d'Informatique du Parallelisme, ENS Lyon;
- Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy, Marseille;
- Dipartimento di Filosofia, Universita Roma Tre, Rome;
____________ Salary and benefits ______________
The monthly salary will be around 2030 EUR. This is then subject
to income tax.
The post-doc researchers will be affiliated to the French social
security system, and will be entitled to unemployment benefit at
the end of the contract.
________________ Requirements _________________
The applicants should hold a Ph.D. or be about to defend their
Ph.D. thesis by December 2009.
We are especially interested in candidates with background in one
or several of the following fields:
- linear logic (proof nets, geometry of interaction, ludics)
- rewriting theory (lambda-calculus, interaction nets)
- denotational semantics (category theory, games semantics,
vectorial semantics)
- implicit computational complexity (light logics, type systems
for complexity)
- concurrency theory (process calculi, event structures)
- probabilistic models (stochastic process calculi, Markov chains)
___________ Application procedure _____________
A single application will be considered valid for both positions;
applicants may specify their preference as to which laboratory
they consider more suitable for their research (we shall try to
follow these preferences, but we do not guarantee to do so).
Applications should be sent before July 31st, 2009, EXCLUSIVELY by
email, to the address
damiano.mazza at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
preferably with the subject containing the words "Collodi
Application" (to be sure that the application is not accidentally
eaten by spam filters...).
The application must include:
- a detailed resume;
- a short research project (1 page), POSSIBLY MENTIONING THE
- contact information of two possible references.
Notifications will be published on the web site of the project
(http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~mazza/Collodi), and sent by
email, on August 14th, 2009.
The suggested starting date for both positions is October 1st,
2009, but later dates may be considered.
For any further information, please refer to the web site
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