[TYPES/announce] PhD and Postdoc Positions available in "ICT for Electrical Mobility" at TU Munich, Germany

Martin Leucker leucker at in.tum.de
Fri Aug 28 18:50:54 EDT 2009

Applications are invited for two PhD positions (initially two years)
and one Postdoc position (initially one year) at the Institute for
Informatics at Technische Universität München in Garching, Germany.
The positions are immediately available within the electrical mobility
project "E-Tour Allgäu" and will be co-supervised by Martin Leucker
and Martin Sachenbacher.

Background on "E-Tour Allgäu"

Electrical vehicles will play a tremendously important role in the
road traffic of the future. They offer the potential to reduce the
dependency on dwindling fossil fuel reserves, while at the same time
they help curb emissions of climate-relevant gases and other harmful
pollutants. Against that background, the German government has
launched an initiative to bring one million electrical vehicles to the
street by the year 2020.

As part of this effort, Technische Universität München participates in
the "E-Tour Allgäu" project, which runs from 2009 to 2011. The goal of
"ETour Allgäu" is to show how sustainable electrical transportation,
using local and renewable energy sources, can be realized in a rural
hilly region southwest of Munich, called the Allgäu. In this region, a
diverse fleet of electric cars will be operated and monitored under
typical modes of usage, such as commuting to nearby Munich.

Within this project, the TU Munich is responsible for foundational
questions regarding information and communication technology for
electrical mobility. We are therefore looking for PhD candidates and
Postdoctoral researchers.

Your responsibilities

Within the project, you will work on one of the following topics:
- Cruising range prediction and energetic route optimization for
electric cars, using topological information and traffic data

- Modeling and simulation of optimal energy buffering strategies for
electric cars, based on battery models and stochastic user models

Your background

You completed a degree in computer science, applied mathematics, or
physics with outstanding performance. Also required are personal
initiative, creativity and ability to effectively work in a team,
including sufficient level of written and spoken English. Preferably,
you also have experience in one or more of the following topics:

- Formal methods, logics, model checking
- Stochastic modeling techniques
- Numerical methods for linear and non-linear systems

What we offer

We offer fixed term contracts of initially two resp. one year, with
the option for renewals. Salaries will be according to the TV-L E13
scale and are based on qualification and personal status. Full-time
positions are, in principle, divisible (§7 Abs. 1 TzBfG).

Technische Universität München is an equal opportunity employer. In
accordance with its policy of increasing the proportion of women in
this type of employment, the university actively encourages
applications from women. For persons with equal qualification,
preference will be given to people with physical disabilities.

Your application

PhD candidates are invited to submit by September 15, 2009
- Curriculum vitae
- List of completed courses in computer science and mathematics
- List of exams passed and grades obtained
Postdoc applicants are invited to submit by September 15, 2009
- Curriculum vitae including list of publications
- Contact information for at least two references

Please send your application (PDF) to etour at in.tum.de

If you have further questions, feel free to contact Martin Leucker or
Martin Sachenbacher:

PD Dr. habil. Martin Leucker
Software- und Systems-Engineering
Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching
Tel. +
leucker at in.tum.de

Dr. Martin Sachenbacher
Lehrstuhl Informatik IX
Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching
Tel. +
sachenba at in.tum.de
| Martin Leucker                | Address:                              |
| Institute for Informatics I4  | Boltzmannstr. 3                       |
| TU Munich                     | D-85748 Garching                      |
| Germany                       | Germany                               |
| Tel.: +49/89/289 17376        |  Fax: +49/89/289 17307                |
| Email: leucker at in.tum.de      |  Web: http://www4.in.tum.de/~leucker/ |

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