[TYPES/announce] PCC 2010 -- Call for Papers

Kai Brünnler kai at iam.unibe.ch
Mon Jan 4 08:35:30 EST 2010

9th Proof, Computation and Complexity
PCC 2010
June 18-19, 2010
Bern, Switzerland

Aim and scope
The aim of PCC is to stimulate research in proof theory, computation,
and complexity, focusing on issues which combine logical and
computational aspects. Topics may include applications of formal
inference systems in computer science, as well as new developments in
proof theory motivated by computer science demands. Specific areas of
interest are (non-exhaustively listed) foundations for specification
and programming languages, logical methods in specification and
program development including program extraction from proofs, type
theory, new developments in structural proof theory, and implicit
computational complexity.


 * Kai Brünnler, Bern (co-chair)
 * Alessio Guglielmi, Loria
 * Reinhard Kahle, Coimbra
 * Thomas Studer, Bern (co-chair)

Invited Speakers (provisional list)

 * Agata Ciabattoni (Wien)

PCC is intended to be a lively forum for presenting and discussing
recent work. Participants who want to contribute a talk are asked to
submit an abstract (Pdf, 1-2 pages) to pcc2010.workshop at gmail.com. The
collection of abstracts will be available at the meeting.

Important Dates
Submission deadline :    May 1, 2010
Notification to authors :   May 15, 2010
Workshop:                       June 18-19, 2010


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