[TYPES/announce] Final Call for Bids (ITP 2011)

Matt Kaufmann kaufmann at cs.utexas.edu
Sat Jan 9 12:23:20 EST 2010

Hello --

In the last few days we have received several expressions of interest
in submitting a bid to host ITP 2011.  We now invite the community to
submit formal bids by following the instructions on the following web
page, which is a slightly edited version of the original call for
bids, in particular to allow submissions from Europe.


As we receive bids, we will post information about them on the above
web page.

The last day for receipt of bids will be Wednesday, February 17.  We
will then issue a call for votes, as described on the above page.

Matt Kaufmann and Larry Paulson (ITP 2010 co-chairs)

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