[TYPES/announce] 6th Workshop on Categories, Logic and Foundations of Physics, Oxford, 9th March 2010

Bob Coecke Bob.Coecke at comlab.ox.ac.uk
Mon Jan 25 09:39:29 EST 2010

Dear all,

The sixth workshop on:
"Categories, Logic and Foundations of Physics" (CLP 6),

will take place at:
Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Tuesday, 9th March 2010, 12:00 - 18:20.

REGISTRATION: For logistic reasons, it would be helpful if you send
us a quick email if you would like to take part. Many thanks!

Our workshop series is aimed at nourishing research in the fields
named in the title and at bringing together scientists from the different
fields involved.  The videos and slides of previous workshops plus a
number of talks from other events are available from:
The site is constantly growing.


Room 478:
12.00-12.50 Martin Hyland (Cambridge)

Lecture Theatre A:
14.00-14.50 Boris Zilber (Oxford)
14:50-15.40 Pawel Blasiak (Krakow)
15:40-16:10 Why n-categories?
Panel discussion with Tom Leinster, Urs Schreiber
and any other n-category cafe server who shows up:

16:40-17:30 Urs Schreiber (Hamburg)
17:30-18:20 Bertfried Fauser (Birmingham)

Please bring the workshop to the attention of others who might be
interested.  We are maintaining a mailing list so please let us know
if you either wish to be removed from it or adjoined to it.

Best regards, Andreas Doering and Bob Coecke.

P.S.: Since both Andreas Doering, Jamie Vicary and newly recruited CLP'er
Chris Heunen have all joined the Oxford University Computing Laboratory:
the entire CLP team is now located in one place. We hereby invite people
at other (relatively easy to reach) institutions to host future CLP 

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