[TYPES/announce] Theory workshop at VSTTE 2010 - call for papers

David Naumann naumann at cs.stevens.edu
Wed Feb 17 12:33:28 EST 2010

                  CALL FOR PAPERS

                   VS-THEORY 2010

       The THEORY Workshop at VSTTE 2010 (Verified
       Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments)

               Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
                  19th August, 2010

       The THEORY Workshop is part of VSTTE 2010

VS-THEORY 2010 invites submissions of technical papers of up
to 10 pages (LNCS format) related to software verification in
a broad sense. This includes research on proof methods for various
programming paradigms (object-oriented, functional, imperative,
concurrent etc), program/proof codesign, requirements modeling,
specification languages, formal calculi, programming languages,
language semantics, software design methods, software testing,
automatic code generation, meta-programming and multi-stage
computation, refinement methodologies, type systems, computer
security, model checking and theorem proving. Evaluations, comparisons,
and unification of rival methods are welcome. This list of topics
is indicative, and is explicitly intended to be non-exhaustive.

In addition to technical papers we welcome challenge papers, up
to 5 pages, that pose specific or general problems in theory that
pertain to the Verified Software Initiative. Such submissions should
have the word ``challenge'' in their title.

Accepted papers will be made available online as an informal
proceedings, but there will be no formal proceedings so publication
elsewhere is not precluded.


Submission deadline: 21 May
Notification of acceptance:  25 June
Final versions due: 23 July
VSTTE 2010 main conference: 16 - 18 August
Workshop: 19 August


Amal Ahmed, Indiana University, US
Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania, US
Anupam Datta, Carnegie Mellon University, US
Yannis Kassios, ETH Zurich, CH
Neel Krishnaswami, Microsoft Research, UK
Daniel Kroening, Oxford University, UK
Antoine Mine, CNRS, FR
Aleks Nanevski, IMDEA Software, SP
David Naumann, Stevens Institute of Technology, US (co-chair)
Tamara Rezk, INRIA, FR
Dave Schmidt, Kansas State University, US
Ashish Tiwari, SRI International, US
Viktor Vafeiadis, University of Cambridge, UK
Hongseok Yang, Queen Mary University of London, UK (co-chair)

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