[TYPES/announce] ETAPS 2010: Final Call For Participation

Joost-Pieter Katoen katoen at cs.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Feb 26 04:05:34 EST 2010

[We apologise for multiple copies.]



        *** 5 Conferences, 19 Workshops, 4 Tutorials ***

  European Joint Conferences on Theory And Practice of Software
                    March 20 - March 28, 2010
                       Paphos, Cyprus




For online registration, please visit http://www.etaps10.cs.ucy.ac.cy/
and click on the menu item "Registration".

     **** The registration deadline is February 28, 2010. ****


The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
(ETAPS) is the primary European forum for academic and industrial
researchers working on topics relating to Software Science. ETAPS,
established in 1998, is a confederation of five main annual confe-
rences, accompanied by satellite workshops and other events. ETAPS
2010 is the thirteenth event in the series.


The west coast town of Paphos, with its pleasant harbour and medieval
fort, combines a cosmopolitan holiday resort, spectacular countryside
and historical sites.  With a population of just 28.000 inhabitants,
Paphos nestles in the lee of the Western Troodos Mountains and close
to the Akamas National Park which add another dimension to this area
of scenic beauty. Paphos has an air of holiday charm combined with
history, and olden-day elegance is lent to the town by its classical
style buildings in the upper part of town which leads to the shopping
area. The lower part of the town has a life of its own, down near the
sea, home of the harbour, the fish taverns, souvenir shops and several
hotels with important archaeological sites around them. Paphos was the
island's capital, and it is famous for the remains of the Roman
Governor's palace, where extensive, fine mosaics are a major tourist
attraction. The town of Paphos is included in the official UNESCO list
of cultural and natural treasures of the world's heritage.

ETAPS 2010 is organized by the University of Cyprus and will take place
at the Coral Beach Hotel and Resort in Paphos, Cyprus, a 5-start hotel
overlooking the golden sandy beaches and sparkling waters of Coral bay
and adjacent to the Akamas National Park.

For more information about Paphos, please visit the Cyprus Tourism
Organization website: http://www.visitcyprus.com/wps/portal

For travel information, please consult the ETAPS'10 website:


- CC:	   International Conference on Compiler Construction
	   ( http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~gupta/CC%202010.htm )

- ESOP:	   European Symposium on Programming
	   ( http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/adg/ESOP2010/ )

- FASE:	   Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
	   ( http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~swt/fase2010/ )

- FOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
	   ( http://users.comlab.ox.ac.uk/luke.ong/FoSSaCS2010/ )

- TACAS:   Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
	   ( http://tacas10.in.tum.de/ )


Mark Harman (KCL, UK)
Jim Larus (MSR, Redmond USA)
Dave Naumann (Stevens, USA)
Jean-Francois Raskin (Brussels, Belgium)
Joseph Sifakis (IMAG, France)
Colin Stirling (Edinburgh, UK)
Philip Wadler (Edinburgh, UK)


The ETAPS 2010 satellite events comprise of workshops and tutorials
which will be held on the Saturday/Sunday (March 20/21) before and
the Saturday/Sunday (March 27/28) after the main conferences.


   - ACCAT, Applied and Computational Category Theory
   - ARSPA-WITS, Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis and
     Issues in the Theory of Security
   - BYTECODE, Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and Transformation
   - CMCS, Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science
   - COCV, Compiler Optimization Meets Compiler Verification
   - DCC, Designing Correct Circuits
   - DICE, Developments in Implicit Computational Complexity
   - FBTC, From Biology to Concurrency and back
   - FESCA, Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and
   - FOSS-AMA, Free and Open Source Software - for Accessible Mainstream
   - GaLoP, Games for Logics and Programming Languages
   - GT-VMT, Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques
   - LDTA, Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications
   - MBT, Model-Based Testing
   - PLACES, Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and
     Communication-cEntric Software
   - QAPL, Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages
   - SafeCert, Certification of Safety-Critical Software Controlled Systems
   - WGT, Workshop on Generative Technologies
   - WRLA, Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications


   * Uncertainty Modeling in Cyber-Physical Systems
     (Manuela Bujorianu)
   * Security, specification and refinement
     (Annabelle McIver)
   * Executable Models of Gene Regulatory Networks
     (Wan Fokkink)
   * The DisCoVeri continues ... (On the Application of Concurrency
     Theory to Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms)
     (Uwe Nestmann)

Additional information about the satellite events is available on the
ETAPS web page:



ETAPS 2010 is organised by the Dept. of Computer Science, University
of Cyprus. For further information, do not hesitate to contact the Local
Organisers at the following address:

etaps10 at cs.ucy.ac.cy

| Joost-Pieter Katoen  email: my_last_name[at]cs.rwth-aachen.de |
| RWTH Aachen University      URL: moves.rwth-aachen.de/~katoen |
| LS2: Software Modeling and Verification  tel: +49 241 8021200 |
| D-52056 Aachen, Germany                  fax: +49-241 8022217 |

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