[TYPES/announce] MFPS XXVI, in Ottawa (May 6--10): call for participation
Philip Scott
phil at site.uottawa.ca
Sun Mar 7 18:58:07 EST 2010
This is an early call for participation for MFPS XXVI (Mathematical
Foundations of Programming Semantics), to be held at the University of
Ottawa, May 6-10 2010 , partially sponsored by the US Office of Naval
Research and the Fields Institute. Information on the aims and scope of
the conference, as well as invited speakers, tutorials and special
sessions can be found at:
The list of accepted papers will be available roughly mid-March.
The Fields registration webpage is at:
Registration and early requests for student support can be done
online at
the Fields Institute address above.
Note: some money is available to partially support graduate students,
postdocs and researchers without grants. Those who wish to apply for
support should do so right away on the Fields registration page (before
March 31). In your application for support, please state clearly what
research program is, in what way MFPS is relevant to your research, and
whether you have access to other funds. Priority will be given to
who do not have access to other funding for travel.
Graduate students please note: there will be a special student
session of
short presentations, and students who wish to apply to speak should also
tell us.
There is a planned conference banquet, to be announced soon.
Accommodation: we have reserved rooms in several hotels near campus, as
well as in the university residence. The university residence suites
are a
very good deal: a two room suite and kitchen is $90. On the local web
page of the event you will find more information on this. Please note
in order to take advantage of the discount rate most bookings have to be
done before April. Here is the local web page:
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact one of the
Richard Blute rblute at uottawa.ca
Philip Scott phil at site.uottawa.ca
Michael Warren mwarren at uottawa.ca
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