[TYPES/announce] CMSB 2010 - Second Call For Papers

Paola Quaglia quaglia at disi.unitn.it
Fri Mar 12 14:45:30 EST 2010

_Apologies for multiple posting_

(NEW: submission guidelines)

                     Second call for papers

                           CMSB 2010
     (8th Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology)

                     in cooperation with ACM

                 September 29 - October 1, 2010
                       Trento, Italy



The CMSB series solicits innovative research focussing on the dynamics and on
the analysis of biological systems, networks, and data.
The Conference brings together computer scientists, biologists, mathematicians,
engineers, and physicists interested in a 
system-level understanding of biological

CMSB 2010 invites submissions of both papers and posters covering a broad range
of research in systems biology.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
original models or paradigms for modelling biological processes together with
their application domains; frameworks and techniques for verifying, validating,
analyzing, and simulating biological systems; inference from high-throughput
experimental data; model integration from biological databases.
Contributions on modelling and analysis of relevant biological case studies
are especially encouraged.



Erik de Vink - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, NL
Pierpaolo Degano - University of Pisa, Italy
Diego Di Bernardo - TIGEM and University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
Finn Drabløs - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
François Fages - INRIA Rocquencourt, France
Jasmin Fisher - Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
John Heath - University of Birmingham, UK
Monika Heiner - TU Cottbus, Germany
Ina Koch - Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Germany
Marta Z. Kwiatkowska - Oxford University, UK
Christopher Langmead - Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Hiroshi Mamitsuka - Kyoto University, Japan
Flemming Nielson - Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
Ion Petre - Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Gordon Plotkin - University of Edinburgh, UK
Alberto Policriti - University of Udine, Italy
Paola Quaglia (Chair) - CoSBi and University of Trento, Italy
Scott A. Smolka - SUNY at Stony Brook, USA
Adelinde M. Uhrmacher - University of Rostock, Germany
Verena Wolf - Saarland University, Germany


Finn Drabløs - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
François Fages - INRIA Rocquencourt, France
David Harel - Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Monika Heiner - TU Cottbus, Germany
Michael Hörnquist - Linköping University, Sweden
Satoru Miyano  - University of Tokyo, Japan
Gordon Plotkin - University of Edinburgh, UK
Corrado Priami - CoSBi and University of Trento, Italy
Adelinde M. Uhrmacher - University of Rostock, Germany


Abstract submission: April 25, 2010
Paper submission: May 02, 2010
Notification of paper acceptance: June 16, 2010
Poster submission: June 23, 2010
Notification of poster acceptance: July 07, 2010
Camera ready version of papers:	July 07, 2010

Paper submission:
CMSB solicits the submission of papers describing 
original research not published
nor currently under review for another conference or journal.
Authors will have to submit their papers via EasyChair
All papers will be refereed by the Programme Committee.
Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to
present the work described in the accepted paper at the conference.
Papers should be in the standard two-column ACM conference format,
and should not exceed 10 pages.
Templates for the ACM style, as well as detailed guidelines for using them,
can be found at http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates.
Proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library, which requires a
copyright transfer from the authors of accepted papers to ACM
after the ACM copyright policy
Print-outs of the proceedings will be available at the conference.
The templates for ACM conference style provide space for
ACM Computing Classification categories and terms
(see http://www.acm.org/about/class/1998).
This indexing is not required of submissions.
Accepted authors will receive suggestions and 
guidelines on categories and terms.

Poster submission:
To be announced at a later stage.	


CMSB 2010 is organized by The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre
for Computational and Systems Biology (CoSBi) that offers a 4000 EUR award to
the best paper reporting on BlenX-based research 
results, and authored by people
not affiliated with CoSBi.
The award will be presented only if there are at least three competing eligible
papers, and will be judged by the Programme Committee.

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