[TYPES/announce] UNIF 2010: submission deadline extended

Laurent Vigneron laurent.vigneron at loria.fr
Mon Mar 29 08:25:11 EDT 2010

Dear colleagues,

As requested by several authors, the submission deadline of the 24th
International Workshop on Unification has been extended to 4 April.

So, you have one more week for submitting a 5 pages abstract related
to one of the following topics:
    * General E-unification and calculi
    * Narrowing
    * Matching algorithms
    * Special unification algorithms
    * Higher-order and nominal unification
    * Constraint solving
    * Disunification
    * Combination problems
    * Complexity analysis
    * Implementation techniques
    * Applications: type checking and reconstruction, automated
      theorem proving, programming language design, etc.

For submission (and workshop information),

Best regards,

Laurent Vigneron.
UNIF 2010 PC member

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