[TYPES/announce] SBLP 2010

Christiano Braga cbraga at ic.uff.br
Tue Apr 6 16:24:48 EDT 2010

[We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]

                                           CALL FOR PAPERS


                                         Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
                                        September 27-29, 2010

                                   Abstract Submission: May 17, 2010
                                 Paper Submission: May 24, 2010

The 14th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages,
SBLP 2010, will be held in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, on
September 27-29, 2010. SBLP provides a venue for researchers
and practitioners interested in the fundamental principles
and innovations in the design and implementation of
programming languages and systems.

This year the symposium will be part of the 1st Brazilian
Conference on Software: Theory and Practice, CBSoft 2010,
http://wiki.dcc.ufba.br/CBSOFT, which will host three traditional,
well-established symposia:

* IV Brazilian Symposium on Components, Software Architecture and
Software Reuse (SBCARS)

* XIV Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP)

* XXIV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES)

SBLP 2010 invites authors to contribute with Technical Papers and
Tutorial Proposals related (but not limited) to:

* Programming language design and implementation
* Formal semantics of programming languages
* Theoretical foundations of programming languages
* Design and implementation of programming language environments
* Object-oriented programming languages
* Functional programming
* Aspect-oriented programming languages
* Scripting languages
* Domain-specific languages
* Programming languages for mobile, web and network computing
* New programming models
* Program transformations
* Program analysis and verification
* Compilation and interpretation techniques

Contributions can be written in Portuguese or English. Papers
should have at most 14 pages. All accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers written
in English should be invited for a journal publication.

* Best papers will be published as a special issue of the   *
* Elsevier Journal of Science of Computing Programming *

Papers should be presented in the language of submission.

Detailed submission guidelines will be available at


Paper abstract submission (15 lines): May 17, 2010
Full paper submission: May 24, 2010
Notification of acceptance: July 09, 2010
Final papers due: August 02, 2010


Awards will be given for the best papers at the symposium.


Rita Suzana Pitangueira Maciel, UFBA, Brazil


Ricardo Massa F. Lima, UFPE, Brazil
Jonathan Aldrich, Carnegie Mellon University, USA


Alberto Pardo, Univ. de La Republica
Alex Garcia, IME
Alfio Martini, PUC-RS
Alvaro Freitas Moreira, UFRGS
Andre Rauber Du Bois, UFPEL
André Santos, UFPE
Carlos Camarao, UFMG
Christiano Braga, UFF
Cristiano Damiani, UFPEL
Edward Hermann Haeusler, PUC-Rio
Fernando Castor Filho, UFPE
Francisco Heron de Carvalho Junior, UFC
Isabel Cafezeiro, UFF
João Saraiva, Universidade do Minho
Johan Jeuring, Utrecht Univ.
Jose Guimaraes, UFSCAR
Jose E. Labra Gayo, Univ. of Oviedo
Jose Luiz Fiadeiro, Univ. of Leicester
Lucilia Figueiredo, UFOP
Luis Soares Barbosa, Univ. do Minho
Luis Carlos Meneses, UPE
Marcelo A. Maia, UFU
Marco Tulio Valente, UFMG
Mariza A. S. Bigonha, UFMG
Martin A. Musicante, UFRN
Noemi Rodriguez, PUC-Rio
Paulo Borba, UFPE
Peter Mosses, Swansea University
Renato Cerqueira, PUC-Rio
Roberto S. Bigonha, UFMG
Roberto Ierusalimschy, PUC-Rio
Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo, UNICAMP
Sandro Rigo, UNICAMP
Sergio Soares, UFPE
Sergiu Dascalu, Univ. of Nevada
Simon Thompson, Univ. of Kent
Varmo Vene, Univ. de Tartu
Vladimir Di Iorio, UFV
Vitor Santos Costa, UFRJ


Brazilian Computer Society and
Universidade Federal da Bahia

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