[TYPES/announce] CfP: Proof-Search in Type Theories (PSTT'10)

Stephane Lengrand (Work) lengrand at lix.polytechnique.fr
Wed Apr 7 23:37:17 EDT 2010

                          Call for Papers
               PSTT 2010: International Workshop on
                   Proof Search in Type Theories
                        Edinburgh, Scotland
                            July 15, 2010

Affiliated with FLOC, Edinburgh, Scotland

Title + short abstract submission: April 10
Paper / long abstract submission:  April 15
Notification:                      April 30
Final papers due:                  May 15
Workshop:                          July 15

The PSTT workshop resumes a series of workshops on Proof Search in
Type Theoretic Languages, in light of the progress that has been made
over the last decade in e.g. the development of proof assistants or
our understanding of proof theory.

The declarative approach to programming has evolved two paradigms that
are based on different aspects of the theories of proofs and types:
Proof normalisation provides a foundation for functional programming
and type systems --on which numerous proof assistants are based, while
proof search provides a foundation for logic programming and other
areas of automated deduction. On the one hand, proof search mechanisms
and their automation are decisive features of proof assitants that
have much to gain from a proper understanding and formalisation. On
the other hand, the framework of logic programming has also extended
to more expressive logics and more complex data structures, e.g. with

Better specifying the proof search mechanisms in type theories is thus
a key concern that brings both approaches forward, and closer
together. This concern involves a wide range of issues and techniques
(some of which directly arising from implementation) that both
approaches share --or could share, and that form the scope of this

Papers are solicited on topics including, but not limited to:
- proof search strategies and tactics, complexity & completeness,
- tactics specification language,
- properties of inference systems, invertibility, polarity of connectives,
- focusing, normal forms for proofs,
- proof-term representation,
- meta-variables, representation of partial proofs,
- searching for proofs by induction, search for invariants,
- unification,
- variable binding, scoping management and freshness
- logic programming and other paradigms based on proof search, 
termination & computational expressivity,
- deduction-modulo, deduction vs. computation during search,
- using failure in proof search,
- model checking as deduction,
- user interaction and interfaces,
- systems implementing any of the above.

Authors can submit either detailed and technical accounts of new
research or work in progress.  System descriptions are also welcome,
with a demonstration on the day of the workshop. Surveys and
comparative papers are also strongly encouraged.

Papers / long abstracts are to be submitted electronically and are
subject to a 12-page limit in LNCS format, including
bibliography. They can be shorter.  Authors are required to submit a
title and a short abstract a few days before submitting the paper (see
the dates section). At least one author of an accepted paper is
expected to present that paper at the workshop.  Informal proceedings
will be distributed at the workshop.  The possibility of having a
special issue dedicated to the themes of this workshop is under

For further information and submission instructions, see the PSTT web
page: http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~lengrand/Events/PSTT10/.

Claudio Sacerdoti Coen (Universita di Bologna)
Stephane Lengrand (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique)
James McKinna (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
Gopalan Nadathur (University of Minnesota)

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