[TYPES/announce] ICTCS 2010 last CFP

moggi@disi.unige.it moggi at disi.unige.it
Mon May 3 10:58:50 EDT 2010

Last Call for Papers
12th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS 2010)
Camerino, Italy, September 15-17, 2010

ICTCS 2010 provides a forum for the exchange of ideas among
researchers, and it aims to foster an environment, where junior
researchers and PhD students can gain experience in presenting their
work, broaden their views on the subject, and benefit from contact with
more established researchers. Also researchers from outside Italy are
welcome to submit papers and attend the Conference.

The Scientific and Organizing Committee welcomes contributions in any
area of Theoretical Computer Science. These contributions could describe
- original works, that the authors may want to submit to a
post-conference special issue;
- original works submitted or accepted somewhere else, that the
authors wish to publicize at ICTCS;
- works in progress, on which the authors wish to get feedback at ICTCS.

Submission Deadline:
- May 20 (for entering title and text abstract)
- May 27 (for adding pdf and attachments)
Notification of Acceptance: June 20
Early registration deadline: July 30
Conference: September 15-17

SUBMISSIONS.  Authors are invited to submit electronically an extended
abstract (in pdf format), NOT EXCEEDING FOUR SINGLE spaced pages.  The
Scientific and Organizing Committee is considering the publication of
a postconference special issue in the Journal Theoretical Informatics
and Applications.  For additional information, please refer to the
conference web page.  Further queries concerning submissions for
presentation at ICTCS or to the special issue can be sent to
ictcs2010 at easychair.org

Marco Bernardo (Univ. di Urbino)
Stefano Crespi-Reghizzi (Poli. di Milano)
Rossella Petreschi (Sapienza Univ. di Roma)

ICTCS is hosted by Camerino University.  Camerino is an historical
town in the Center of Italy, known and respected since Roman times,
which became particularly important in the middle-age.  Camerino is
located in hilly surroundings (Marche Region), between the spectacular
Appennini mountains and the pleasant Adriatic coast.

CO-LOCATED EVENT. The last meeting of PRIN national project
PaCo: Performability-aware Computing
is organised at Camerino, Italy on September 13-14, 2010.
Ongoing work and final results of the research units will be presented
by the involved researchers.

Marcella Anselmo (Univ. di Salerno)
Tiziana Calamoneri (Sapienza Univ. di Roma)
Flavio Corradini (Univ. di Camerino)
Emanuela Merelli (Univ. di Camerino)
Eugenio Moggi (Univ. di Genova)

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