[TYPES/announce] HOR'2010 (Affiliated with RTA'2010) - Call for participation

Eduardo Bonelli eabonelli at gmail.com
Wed May 5 13:21:28 EDT 2010

      5th International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting
                   (Affiliated with RTA'2010)
              Wednesday July 14, 2010, Edinburgh, UK



  HOR 2010 is a forum to present work concerning all aspects of
higher-order rewriting. The aim is to provide an informal and friendly
setting to discuss recent work and work in progress. The following is
a non-exhaustive list of topics for the workshop:

* Applications: proof checking, theorem proving, generic programming,
declarative programming, program transformation, automated
termination/confluence tools.

* Foundations: pattern matching, unification, strategies, narrowing,
termination, syntactic properties, type theory, complexity of

* Frameworks: term rewriting, conditional rewriting, graph rewriting,
net rewriting, comparisons of different frameworks.  Implementation:
explicit substitution, rewriting tools, compilation techniques.

* Semantics: semantics of higher-order rewriting, categorical
rewriting, higher-order abstract syntax, games and rewriting


  Closed nominal rewriting: properties and applications
  Maribel Fernández (King's College London, UK)

  Computational interpretations of logic
  Silvia Ghilezan (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)


* Equivalence of algebraic lambda-calculi
  Alejandro Díaz-caro, Simon Perdrix, Christine Tasson and Benoît

* Uncurrying for Innermost Termination and Derivational Complexity
  Harald Zankl, Nao Hirokawa and Aart Middeldorp

* A Calculus of Coercions Proving the Strong Normalization of MLF
  Giulio Manzonetto and Paolo Tranquilli

* A new formalism for higher-order rewriting
  Cynthia Kop

* On the Implementation of Dynamic Patterns
  Thibaut Balabonski

* Higher-order Rewriting for Executable Compiler Specifications
  Kristoffer Rose

* Swapping: a natural bridge between named and indexed explicit
  substitution calculi
  Ariel Mendelzon, Alejandro Ríos and Beta Ziliani

* Standardisation for constructor based pattern calculi
  Delia Kesner, Carlos Lombardi and Alejandro Ríos

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