[TYPES/announce] SecReT 2010 Call for Participation

Steve Kremer kremer at lsv.ens-cachan.fr
Mon May 10 15:50:20 EDT 2010


                   Call for Participation

               5th International Workshop on
             Security and Rewriting Techniques
			(SecReT 2010)

		Valencia (Spain), June 18-20.



Early registration deadline: June 6, 2010


- Bruno Blanchet (LIENS, France)
- Ralf Kuesters (Univ. Trier, Germany)
- Catherine Meadows (NRL, USA)
- Michaël Rusinowitch (INRIA, France)


We need to increase our confidence in security related applications.
Formal verification is one of the most important methods of achieving
this goal, and term rewriting has already played an important part. In
particular, since the beginning of formal verification of security
protocols, term rewriting has played a central role, both as a
computation model and as a deduction strategy. Because of this, we
believe that it can play an important role in solving other
security-related formal verification problems as well. That is why it
is important to bring together experts in term rewriting, constraint
solving, equational reasoning on the one side and experts in security
on the other side. This is precisely the aim of this workshop.

A possible (non exhaustive) list of topics include application of
rewriting or constraint solving to authentication, encryption, access
control and authorization, protocol verification, specification and
analysis of policies, intrusion detection, integrity of information,
control of information leakage, control of distributed and mobile
code, etc.


Automating security analysis: symbolic equivalence of constraint systems
Vincent Cheval, Hubert Comon-Lundh and Stephanie Delaune

Deducibility constraints
Sergiu Bursuc, Hubert Comon-Lundh and Stephanie Delaune

Semi-Automatic Synthesis of Security Policies by Invariant-Guided Abduction
Clément Hurlin and Helene Kirchner

Efficient XOR Unification
Zhiqiang Liu and Christopher Lynch

Sequential Protocol Composition in Maude-NPA
Santiago Escobar, Catherine Meadows, Jose Meseguer and Sonia Santiago

Rule-based Specification and Analysis of Security Policies
Tony Bourdier, Horatiu Cirstea, Mathieu Jaume and Helene Kirchner.

Maude-NPA Tool Demo
Santiago Escobar, Catherine Meadows and Jose Meseguer

Automated Abstract Certification of Global Non-interference in Rewriting
Mauricio Alba-Castro, María Alpuente and Santiago Escobar

Finitary Deduction Systems
Yannick Chevalier and Mounira Kourjieh

Geometric Logic and Strand Spaces
Daniel Dougherty and Joshua Guttman

Deciding trace equivalence for finite cryptographic process calculi
Rohit Chadha, Stefan Ciobaca and Steve Kremer

Abstractions for Verifying Key Management APIs
Graham Steel


Yannick Chevalier (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Hubert Comon-Lundh (LSV, Cachan, France)
Daniel Dougherty (WPI, Worcester, USA)
Santiago Escobar (Univ. Politécnica Valencia, Spain)
Steve Kremer (LSV, Cachan, France) - co-chair
Christopher Lynch (Clarkson Univ., USA)
José Meseguer (Univ. Illinois, USA)
Paliath Narendran (SUNY Albany, USA) - co-chair

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