[TYPES/announce] Call for Participation - The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI'10)

jun sun sunj at comp.nus.edu.sg
Tue May 18 07:09:56 EDT 2010

Call for Participation

The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Secure Software
Integration and Reliability Improvement
(SSIRI) will be in Singapore during 9-11 June 2010. SSIRI'10 aims to
continue the tradition of SSIRI to
advance the understanding and expertise in the areas: Security,
Reliability, Availability, and Safety of Software Systems, Fault
Tolerance for Software Reliability Improvement, Modeling, Prediction,
Simulation, Evaluation, Validation, Verification, Testing, Automated
Tools and Industry Best Practices.

This year's conference has a strong technical program. In addition to
four keynote addresses by
Jim Davies (Oxford U), Jim Woodcock (York U), Tim Grance (NIST) and
Wei-Ngan Chin (NUS),
it also includes a selection of rigorously refereed papers in the
regular paper sessions, short paper sessions,
fast abstracts, and doctoral programs. There are two co-located
workshops, tutorials and a pre-conference
course on model checking as well. Here are listed events:

26-27 May:  Two days course on "Model Checking Safety and Security Systems"

7-8 June: Tutorials
Make Six Sigma Tools Work for You in Developing Superior Products (2
days course)
-- Orange Belt Training by Dr. Samuel J. Keene, Fellow of IEEE and Six
Sigma Senior Master Black Belt
Master Practical Risk-Based Testing (one day course on 8 June)
-- By Dr. Rajesh Subramanyan from Siemens

Main Conference Program (including keynotes, regular/short papers,
workshops etc):

Registration website:
(Discount for ACM, IEEE and SCS members)

Conference general information:

Best Regards
(SSIRI 2010 General Chair)

Dr. DONG, Jin-Song <dongjs at comp.nus.edu.sg >
Associate Professor, School of Computing
National University of Singapore,
ph: +65-65164353  fax: +65-67794580

Sun Jun
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