[TYPES/announce] Lecture Series by John Power

Neil Ghani Neil.Ghani at cis.strath.ac.uk
Wed Jun 30 16:51:49 EDT 2010

John Power will be giving a series of lectures hosted by the MSP  
group in Glasgow. Here is a brief description

Title: Locally Finitely Presentable Categories and Lawvere Theories

John Power will be giving a course of lectures on Locally Finitely  
Presentable Categories and Lawvere theories
starting on July 26 2010; there will be 4 weekly sessions of lectures/ 
discussions, each session occupying one
afternoon. The audience will include postgraduate students, research  
fellows and academic staff from
research groups around Scotland and even beyond. The exact content of  
the lectures will be tailored to the needs of those

Those interested in attending these lectures should contact Prof Neil  
Ghani (ng at cis.strath.ac.uk) for more

All the best
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