[TYPES/announce] BLC 2010 2nd Call for Participation

E.Ritter@cs.bham.ac.uk E.Ritter at cs.bham.ac.uk
Tue Jul 20 17:10:25 EDT 2010

British Logic Colloquium 2010, Birmingham, 2-4 September

The annual meeting of The British Logic Colloquium will take place
from 2-4 September 2010 in Birmingham. The aim of this meeting is to
present current topics in all areas of logic. The following invited speakers
have confirmed that they will give talks:  Mirna Dzamonja (University
of East Anglia), Jeffrey Ketland (University of Edinburgh), 
Alexander Kurz (University of Leicester), 
Luke Ong (University of Oxford),  Ulrike Sattler 
(University of Manchester), Anton Setzer (University of Swansea),
Colin Stirling (University of Edinburgh), Philip Welsh (University of
Bristol) and Alex Wilkie (University of Manchester).

Contributed talks of 30 min length are also solicited. A limited
number of grants for UK-PhD-students is available. The deadline for
proposing talks and early registration is 27 July. For further
details see the webpage http://events.cs.bham.ac.uk/BLC2010.

BLC 2010 is supported financially by the London Mathematical Society
and by the British Logic Colloquium. 

Eike Ritter

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