[TYPES/announce] PhD position at the Software Technology group at Utrecht University

Atze Dijkstra atze at cs.uu.nl
Mon Sep 6 09:25:44 EDT 2010

There is currently a PhD position available at he Software Technology
group, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht
University, Netherlands. The ST group focusses its research on
programming methodologies, compiler construction, and program analysis. In
this area the research will take place, in particular the topic is
semi-automatic incrementalization of programs narrowed down to our
Utrecht Haskell Compiler (UHC), using our Attribute Grammar system
(UUAG). For more details and application see


The application deadline is October 5, 2010.

Please contact Prof. Dr. S.D. Swierstra at doaitse at cs.uu.nl for more

The project is funded by a research grant from the Netherlands
'Organization for Scientific Research’ (NWO).

Best regards,

               - Atze -

Atze Dijkstra, Department of Information and Computing Sciences. /|\
Utrecht University, PO Box 80089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands. / | \
Tel.: +31-30-2534118/1454 | WWW  : http://www.cs.uu.nl/~atze . /--|  \
Fax : +31-30-2513971 .... | Email: atze at cs.uu.nl ............ /   |___\

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