[TYPES/announce] Call for Papers: MSCS Special Issue on PCA's, Realizability, and Computability

Philip Scott phil at site.uottawa.ca
Fri Nov 19 12:03:40 EST 2010

Call for papers:

A special Issue of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science on  
"Partial Combinatory Algebras in Realizability and Computability"

Notice of intention to submit:
            Deadline: January 2011

            Deadline: April 30, 2011
            Special editors: Pieter Hofstra (phofstra at uottawa.ca) and
                                     Robin Cockett  
(robin at cpsc.ucalgary.ca)

Following the July 9th (2010)  LICS  workshop on PCAs, realizability,  
and computability


we are now accepting and soliciting papers for a special issue of  
MSCS on the general topic of that workshop.

             * Submission is open to both participants and to those who
                could not/did not attend.
             * Submissions should be on a topic related to the workshop.
                Survey and overview papers will also be considered.
             * If you intend to submit a paper please do let us know  
as soon as possible but certainly by the new year: this will greatly  
facilitate our planning.
             * The papers will be refereed in the usual manner of a
                journal submission.

Subject area:
             * All aspects of (partial) combinatory logic and lambda  
             * Partial combinatory algebras, models of computation, and
             * Categorical and type theoretic aspects of computability
             * Realizability.

If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact one of the  

Pieter Hofstra
Robin Cockett

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