[TYPES/announce] TLDI 2011 Call for participation

Stephanie Weirich sweirich at cis.upenn.edu
Tue Nov 30 16:17:57 EST 2010

                         CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 

                               TLDI 2011 

                         ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on 
              Types in Language Design and Implementation 

                            25 January 2011 
                             Austin, TX, USA

               To be held in conjunction with POPL 2011




Deadline for student travel grant applications: December 17, 2010
Hotel reservation deadline:                     December 21, 2010
Notification of student travel awards:          December 27, 2010
Early registration deadline:                    December 31, 2010


TLDI'11 and all POPL'11 affiliated events will take place at the 
Omni Austin Hotel in downtown Austin, TX.


To register for TLDI'11, follow the link from the POPL 2011 page, at



The role of types and proofs in all aspects of language design,
compiler construction, and software development has expanded greatly
in recent years. Type systems, type-based analyses and type-theoretic
deductive systems have been central to advances in compilation
techniques for modern programming languages, verification of safety
and security properties of programs, program transformation and
optimization, and many other areas. The ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types
in Language Design and Implementation brings researchers together to
share new ideas and results concerning all aspects of types and
programming, and is now an annual event.


Session 1: Invited Talk (9:30 - 10:30)

        Type Design Patterns for Computer Mathematics
        Georges Gonthier (Microsoft Research, Cambridge)

Break (10:30-11:00)

Session 2 (11:00-12:30)
        Singleton: A General-Purpose Dependently-Typed Assembly Language
        Simon Winwood and Manuel Chakravarty

        A Type and Effect System for Deadlock Avoidance in 
        Low-Level Languages
        Prodromos Gerakios, Nikolaos Papaspyrou and Konstantinos Sagonas

        Extended Alias Type System using Separating Implication
        Toshiyuki Maeda, Haruki Sato and Akinori Yonezawa

Lunch (12:30-14:30)

Session 3: Invited Talk (14:30-15:30)

        Type Safety from the Ground Up
        Chris Hawblitzel (Microsoft Research, Redmond)

Break (15:30-16:00)

Session 4 (16:00-17:30)

        AuraConf: A Unified Approach to Authorization and Confidentiality
        Jeffrey Vaughan

        Information Flow Enforcement in Monadic Libraries
        Dominique Devriese and Frank Piessens

        The Essence of Monotonic State
        Alexandre Pilkiewicz and François Pottier

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