[TYPES/announce] Post-Doc at Carnegie Mellon

Steve Awodey awodey at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Dec 21 13:43:31 EST 2010

The Carnegie Mellon Department of Philosophy invites applications for
the Herbert Simon Fellowship in Scientific Philosophy. We are seeking
applications from scholars working in logic or philosophy of mathematics
(including its history). Applications in the following areas of logic
are particularly welcome: proof theory, category theory, categorical
logic, formal verification, and automated proof search. The Fellowship
is intended primarily for those who have recently received doctorates,
including scholars with a continuing faculty appointment elsewhere. The
Fellowship has a tenure of two years (non-renewable), with teaching
duties of 2 courses/year, one of which should be a research seminar in
the Fellow's specialty. Appointments of one year are possible for
applicants with a continuing faculty appointment elsewhere. Residence in
Pittsburgh is expected. Applications (including a statement of purpose,
CV, at least one writing sample and two letters of reference) may be
sent to: The Philosophy Department; Carnegie Mellon University;
Pittsburgh PA 15213. Attention: Simon Fellowship Committee. Electronic
applications, preferably in pdf format enclosed as attachments, are
welcome and indeed preferred. Send email to: phil-search at andrew.cmu.edu.
The (extended) deadline for application is February 1, 2010.
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